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; time lapse to saturday

The rest of the week goes by really fast and now it's Saturday morning. I wake up and go use the restroom, put my hair up and come back to my room. I unplug my phone and check my twitter and insta. I see messages from Cat, Mario, and my mom.


me- of course, what time?

cat 💋 - can u come after you eat something

me - yea of course

me- be there soon

I look at the clock and see it's about to be noon.

mar 😊 - i watched 2 more episodes of tvd, good morning :)

me- u were supposed to go to sleep too

mar 😊 - but i wasn't tired

me- yeah right

mar 😊 - u don't believe me

me- nope

me- anyways i have to get ready i need to help cat today

mar 😊 - for what?

me- did u already forget

mar 😊 - oH HER DATE

me- yes smart one

mar 😊 - rude

me- i gtg i'll be over later

mar 😊 - bye lin

I put music on and get ready, basically keeping my shorts on with a t-shirt and put my hair in a bun. I also put my contacts on since I wanna look nice in case I go somewhere and will feel lazy to do it later ( me tho ) . I eat some cereal after I'm done and ask my mom if she can drive me to Cat's. She drives me over there and I tell her I'll walk back later. I go and knock on the door and Cat opens it. ''I'm so glad you're here, I'm really nervous,'' she says. I laugh and say, ''Don't be, you'll be fine!'' She smiles and leads me to her room where she has clothes laying everywhere. ''I'm guessing you need help choosing an outfit?" She gives me a look but nods. ''Okay so did he tell you where you were going?'' She is about to say something but says, ''Wait, is this because you wanna go look for me later?'' I laugh and say, ''Um, maybe.'' She rolls her eyes and says, ''Don't tell Mario then.'' Just then, we hear ''Well I guess I'll have to find it myself.'' We both turn to see him standing in the doorway. I laugh and say, ''He's not wrong tho.'' She gives me a look and I say, ''Okay, fine, I won't go.'' She looks at Mario and raises her eyebrows. ''Fine, I won't either.'' She nods satisfied and she goes to pick her outfit. I feel my phone buzz. I look down and see a text.

mar 😊 - we are so going to look for them tonight

I look up at him and we both smile. He leaves to his room to get ready and I go look for something for Cat to wear. ''Did he say to dress fancy or casual?" She says, ''He said casual is fine.'' I nod and say, ''Wear a cute shirt with these jeans and some sandals.'' She tries it on. ''Oh my God, it's perfect, ah, thank you for helping me,'' she says hugging me. I hug back and say, ''Of course, i'm here to help for all future dates coming.'' She blushes and says, ''He might be here soon, I'm nervous.'' I take her hand and say, ''Cat, don't be, he likes you for who you are so don't try to be someone you're not.'' She hugs me and says, ''Thank you, i love you sissy.'' I hug her back. She lets go and gets a text. ''He says he's on the street.'' I smile and say, ''I'm so excited. Okay, I need to go home and get ready for later i might be going with my mom, i said lying, but facetime me when you get home!'' ''I will, bye, have fun!'' She grabs her stuff and says he's here. I leave her room and head to Mario's room as she heads out the front door.

i don't even know your name ; mario selmanWhere stories live. Discover now