Chapter 32

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Aubrey slowly carried Riley over to their bed. 

They'd decided not to take her to the hospital and instead take her to the doctor in the morning. She still couldn't walk so Aubrey had been carrying her around. Riley hadn't let go of him since they left the warehouse, she was still scared about the whole situation.

"I'm gonna go start a bath." He kissed her cheek. She gripped his hands harder, not letting him go. "Ri, I'm not going anywhere." She slowly loosened her grip on him and he went to the bathroom in the room. He turned on the water and waited until it was warm before plugging it. He walked back out and over to the bed.

She pulled his body closer once he laid down. "Thank you Aubrey." She whispered and cuddled into his chest.

"For what baby?" He ran his hands through her hair.

"Coming to get me." He smiled. Aubrey had yet to tell her about the whole pimp agreement him and Ryan had. He really didn't wanna stress her out right now, but he would tell her eventually. They sat for a few more moments before Aubrey got back up to turn off the bath water. He came back and picked Riley up. 

Once he got to the bathroom he set her on the counter and started undressing her. He ran his hands over the bruises on her body. He felt his anger grow, how could he let this happen?

"It's okay Aubrey, it's not your fault." She told him. He leaned over and kissed her before he continued to remove her clothes. He ran his hands over her bare body once she was fully exposed to him. Despite the cuts and bruises she was still perfect. He lifted her up and walked over to the tub before lowering her in. He got on his knees and watched her. "Are you gonna get in?" 

"Do you want me to?" She nodded and he stood and started removing his clothes. After he was done he sat down in the warm water. Once he was all the way in Riley crawled over to him a straddled him. He brought his wet hands up and rubbed her badly cut cheeks before bringing his lips to hers. Her hands ran down his body before she slowly started rubbing her hands up and down his length. "You sure you want to do this?"

"Yes Aubrey." Her lips met his once again before she guided his length inside of her. She moaned as he filled her. She started riding him at the pace she wanted and broke the kiss. His lips found their way to her neck and started sucking. They both needed this, they needed each other.

She rode him at that pace for awhile until she sped up. He brought his head from her neck and pulled her head down so their foreheads were touching. They looked in each others eyes, neither breaking the contact. Aubrey soon broke the distance between the two and kissed her passionately. They both felt their climaxes coming and Aubrey brought his head down and brought her nipple into his mouth. Her moans increased as her orgasm hit her, once he felt her tighten around him he came in her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close as she shook.

Aubrey felt Riley loosen her grip on him as her orgasm passed. "I love you Aubrey." She said out of breath.

"Damn, I love you too Ri." He said before pulling her close and sharing another kiss.


Riley sat up and pulled the white covers over her naked body.

She watched Aubrey sleep, he took even breaths and had light snores. She giggled a little before tracing his jawline with her finger. She couldn't really move without him so she just sat there. Riley knew they needed last night, it was the best night they'd had together in the past month. 

Aubrey's eyes fluttered opened and she quickly moved her finger. "I felt you doing it Ri." He mumbled.

"What?" She asked innocently.

"You know what you were doing, don't play dumb." He sat up and put his hand on her cheek and pulled her into a kiss. 

"Fine, but you looked so sexy." She bit her lip. He  laughed at her. "I wanna ask you something Aubs." She grew serious.

"Yeah?" He said. She readjusted  the blanket over her her breasts. 

"I just wanna know what happened to Ally, I haven't seen her." He looked away. "Tell me." 

"I just, just." He rubbed his neck. "When we were looking  for you, we figured out she was telling Israel things." She shuddered at the mention of his name. "She told us where you were and Kain killed her."

"Did you tell them to kill her?" She asked.

"No, Saint tricked her and then Kain did it." He told her. "She begged me to save her, but I just couldn't, she put you in danger." She nodded, understanding. "Are you mad at me?"

"No, of course not." She caressed his face. "I just didn't think they would kill her." 

"You mean a lot, not just to me but to Ryan and Shay." He said. "Even the other pimps put all their effort to find you. Saint said you grew on him." They both laughed.

"Man, he hated me." Riley laughed harder. "He was ready to kill me the first day we met." 

"True." Aubrey smiled. 

"I'm just happy you risked your life for me."

"I'd do it for you any day." He leaned over and kissed Riley.


Well I'm thinking about ending the story soon, but don't worry I've got some ideas for a sequel! Comment if you want a sequel.

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