Over My Dead Body

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Aubrey pulled Riley away from the scene. She didn't need to see this.

Riley looked back as Aubrey pulled her away. She saw the body of her brother, Ace laying lifeless on the ground with police surrounding him. This wasn't a new sight to either Aubrey or Riley, it just hit home this was her brother and one of Aubrey's bestfriends.

This wasn't supposed to happen. Not to them at least. But when you grow up in Compton your supposed to expect the unexpected.


"You okay?" Aubrey asked Riley.

They were sitting in Aubrey's house. It was a small apartment that he shared with his mom ,it was decent, for Compton at least.

"What do you mean am I okay?" Riley snapped. "I just saw my dead brother Aubrey."

"Riley listen I'm sorry." He said.

"Aubrey it's not your fault, you didn't kill him." She wiped the tears away. "I just wanna kill those bastards that did it." Aubrey walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her. "Why did it have to be him?"

Ace was one of the few decent guys in Compton. He did little drugs but didn't sell, their mom taught them better than that. They all learned not to trust eachother. The only people you trust here is family. Even though Aubrey wasn't family, Riley trusted him. Only two people called him Aubrey, his mom and Riley, most called him Drake.

"I would say it happens everyday but I know this doesn't. It's not supposed to hurt this much." Riley cried.

"I know Ri, this is different." He rubbed her back.

Everyone thought they were dating, they weren't. Riley had a small crush on Aubrey ever since he moved here. He moved from Toronto when he was 9. He didn't fit in at all but Riley didn't mind. He still didn't fit in, he was different. Aubrey never did drugs, of course he tried a few but it wasn't his thing. Riley wasn't big on them either. Aubrey could get any girl here, just with his smile- that's another thing that made him different.

Riley and Aubrey never killed anyone or anything like that. They maybe stole a little, but they had to to survive.

They sat in silence for about an hour until Riley spoke up.

"I gotta get home to mama." She didn't want to tell her mom about Ace but someone had to.

"Okay I'll walk you." They walked out of Aubrey's apartment down to the flight of stairs and ended up right in front of Riley's door. She lived directly under him. She slowly reached for the knob, she didn't want to tell her mom. "It's okay Riley. You have to tell her though, don't let her find out from someone else." Aubrey was right.

"Climb down the fire escape into my room tonight please." She begged Aubrey with tears in her eyes.

"Don't I always?" He asked. She just wanted to make sure, she didn't want to be alone tonight. She opened the door and walked in.

Riley closed the door and walked in. She smelled her moms cooking. She walked into the kitchen slowly.

"Hey Riley." Her mom smiled. "Is Aubrey eating here tonight?"

"No." she said dryly. Aubrey ate at her house a lot because his mom always worked.

"You okay Ri? Did he do something to you?" She stopped cooking and turned the oven down. She shook her head. "What's wrong then?"

She looked at her mom. Her mom saw it in her eyes, she didn't have to say it. "They got him mama." She choked out. Her mom instantly broke down. "Ace, they killed him."

 She pulled Riley into a tight hug.

They stayed in a tight embrace, feeling each others pain.


Aubrey slowly made his way down the fire escape and opened Riley's cracked window.

 He walked in and heard shower water on. He sat on her bed, on his spot. As he sat there he thought of who would do this to Ace. He was a good guy. He was so lost in thought he didn't hear Riley come out. She dressed in a tank top and boy shorts, while Aubrey had on sweat pants and a black shirt. She climbed in the bed and layed her head on Aubrey's chest, her spot. He always came over at night a slept with her.

"You feel better?" Aubrey asked.

"A little." she spoke softly. "I was thinking Aubrey."

"Yeah." He looked down at her.

"I think when we turn 18 we get out of here." She said.

"Like leave Compton? For good?" He asked.

"Yeah, we're 17 and I think we're good kids. Ace was too, he was 21 though and look what happened to him." She told him.

"I'll only leave with you."

"Same, I would never leave without you." She admitted. She got up and straddled him. "So let's make a deal. Once we both turn 18 we leave, together." He brought his pinky to hers. Instead of locking pinkies she leaned down and kissed him, only a peck. "A kiss means more than stupid pinkies " She smiled and leaned down again, this time he was ready and welcomed her kiss. His tongue  entered her mouth.

From that day forward they had a pack, they would leave Compton together. They both just hoped Compton didn't swallow them before they could escape.


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