Chapter 23

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Shay tried her best to hold her moans back as Ryan roughly fucked her from behind.

He was mad and she knew it. That day Ryan had come home and pulled her upstairs without a word, he got her undressed and he positioned her on all fours. Every time she moaned or tried to tell him he was hurting her he slapped her ass as hard as he could. Ryan only did this when he was pissed about something and he now obviously was mad. He was only trying to get his anger out and this was his way of doing it.

"Ryan." Shay moaned out, but right now this was hurting. He was going too fast, hard and deep. He ignored her and kept going. "Ryan, stop it really hurts." He stopped, turned her around and hoovered over her.

"You can't handle this anymore? You're getting soft Shay." He looked right in her eyes. "I used to do this all the time and now you can't do it?"

"Ryan stop." Shay tried to push him off. "I can handle it I'm not used to that shit. You were going to hard."

"Shay you're acting like a pussy." She stared for a moment before slapping him and pushing him off.  She stood and started putting her clothes on. Ryan climbed off the floor and threw on a pair of boxers, he grabbed Shay when she had on her underwear. "You know better than to hit me."

"Let go Ryan." She said. "Don't touch me."

"Shay, I really don't wanna hit you." He pulled her a little closer. "But you already think your above the rest of these girls." Ryan knew she was above them but he couldn't let her continue to think that.

"Don't touch me." She warned. He brought his hand up and slapped her.

"Baby, I can't treat you special all the time. You gotta learn." He pushed her against the wall and held her throat. He applied pressure. "Watch your mouth next time you talk to me, remember I'm your boss not your boyfriend." He threw her to the ground and kicked her in the rib.

"Ryan stop." She grabbed his leg and pulled him to the ground. The wrestled for a few minutes before he got back on top. By now she had a bloody nose, and a bruised rib and arm. He looked down at her, he could honestly say it hurt to look at her. When he did this to the other girls it didn't hurt him.

"Shay stop kicking, I'm done." He told her.

"No." She yelled. "I don't understand what could make you so mad that you would hit me."

"There's a lot of shit going on right now, you wouldn't understand." He said.

"Try me."

"Shay, you don't run shit." He paused for a moment. "I don't have to tell you anything."

"Do you love me?" She asked. Ryan looked away from her. "Answer me."

"Love doesn't exist in this business baby, I thought you learned that." He swallowed hard.

"So whatever has been going on here has been a complete joke?" She tried to move him off of her, but he held a firm grip on her hands.

"It's not like that." He mumbled. "Sha-"

"No, get off."


"I said get the fuck off of me." She yelled. He stood up and let her go. She started walking out the room, only grabbing a shirt and throwing it over her head. "Ryan I really thought you loved me." After she said that she walked out and slammed the door.

She walked to her room, passing the living room with all the girls in it. "Shay are you okay?" Riley asked.

"No." She was blunt. Riley got up and stopped her.

"Come on, you need to wipe your nose off." She grabbed her arm and lead her to the kitchen. Riley grabbed an ice pack and a towel and handed them to Shay.

"You're not gonna ask what happened?" She leaned against the counter.

"I doubt you wanna talk about it." Riley looked up at her.

"Why are you acting like this, whenever something happened to you I treated you like shit."

"Not always." She gave her a weak smile.

"Ri, I think I wanna leave." Riley's eyes grew wide, she would have never thought Shay of all people would say that.

"Uh, I mean I can help you get out."

"I need to sneak out though." She paused for a moment. "If he finds out you helped then you'll get hurt. I also need you to stay here."

"I don't care if I get beaten up, family first." Riley said. "And I guess I can stay here."

"Thank you for not arguing." She walked over and hugged her. "I'm leaving tonight, don't tell anyone."

"Okay I promise." Riley knew if Shay left then this place would be in chaos. As they released each other Aubrey came in.

"Combeir wants to talk to all of us." They all walked into the living room and sat down. As Shay walked by Ryan, she didn't even look up.

"Right now, I need extra money." Ryan went straight to the point. "I really don't wanna do this but I'm bringing in one or two more girls." All the girls looked at each other. Riley and Aubrey weren't really worried, they thought he always brought girls in and kicked them out.

"What?" Shay was angry. "You can't do that."

"Shay shh." He looked over at her. "I didn't ask if it was okay, I'm telling you what's going on. You guys have really been disrespectful lately, thing's will change. All of you. When I say it, it better be done, don't question me." Shay sat back and crossed her arms. "When I bring these girls in, you'll all help around."

"Is that the reason you beat the shit outta me?" She mumbled. Ryan glared at her.

"Shay watch your mouth." He looked at the other girls. "That's it, get back to whatever you were doing."


Shay closed her last bag and looked at Riley.

"I'm sorry if he hurts you cause I left." She hugged her.

"Why are you leaving?"

"Riley." She sighed. "I have no reason to be here now, I was waiting on something that would never happen. I thought he loved me but I was dumb." Shay had tears running down her cheeks when she pulled away. "Please be good for me."

"I will, please don't forget me here." She smiled. "Text me and call me."

"Okay I will, I promise." She hugged Riley one last time. "I gotta go, I love you." She grabbed her two bags and climbed out of the window. Shay got into Saint's car.

"Don't you dare tell Combeir about this." He told her as she got in the car.

"I won't. Take me to my old place." He pulled off and started driving towards her old apartment on the other side of Toronto. She wasn't supposed to own it but she kept it a secret from Ryan.

"Why are you leaving?" He asked.

"I was waiting for something that I realized would never come." She stared out of the window.

"You do know he's go crazy without you. He loves you and people do crazy shit for love." He looked at her. "He'll look all over for you and he will do some crazy shit while you're gone."

"Yeah, I know people do do crazy shit for love." She paused for a moment. "But you have to admit you love someone first in order to be in love."

"Shay, he does he just can't admit it because that can tear a whole business down."

"Just tell me if he does anything that he can't fix." She climbed out of the car.

Shay knew Ryan would do anything and everything to find her and in the end he could destroy his business on his own.


Okay guys, so this chapter was basically centered around Ryan and Shay. I had to add a couple details but leave some feedback on what you thought.

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