Chapter 22

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Riley and Aubrey made their way into the school building, gaining many stares.

Of course today was their first day at the new school and they were the outsiders. Neither minded, they had always kept to the two of them, not really caring what anyone else thought. Aubrey had adjusted his classes to match Riley's, as he always did.

"Why do they always stare at us?" Riley laughed. "Even at our old school they stared, it's really funny."

"We're just a little different." He winked.

"What is this some weird Twilight movie, you sound like Edward." She smiled at him. "In a way we're like the vampires in that movie, everyone in the school stares at us like we're gonna eat their souls or some weird shit like that."

"Are you mad or nah?" Aubrey asked.

"Did you really just say that?" She unlocked her locker and started taking stuff out of her bag. "Don't do-" Riley saw someone familiar out of the corner of her eye. Her head shot up right as the person entered the room. She only saw the back of their head. She stared for a moment, not believing that's who she saw.

"What are you looking at baby?" Aubrey leaned against the locker.

"Uh, nothing." She smiled and continued putting her things away. "But anyway we should hurry before we're late." She closed her locker. Riley made her way down the hall and into her homeroom with Aubrey following behind. As they entered the room the bell rang, signaling that class had began. They both stood at the front of the room waiting to be seated, the students stared at them, as if they were trying to figure out who they were.

"Hello you must be Miss Chambers and Mr. Graham?" The teacher asked in an overly excited voice. She was the kind of teacher Riley hated, the kind that wanted her to shove their happy attitude right up their asses.

"Yes." Aubrey spoke up for both of them. "Well welcome to Toronto." The teacher asked a few more questions before letting them sit down. Luckily there were two seats next to each other in the middle of the class. They sat in her class and listened to her ramble off facts about history as the class took notes.

The class ended and the rest of the day went on in a blur, until the unexpected happened in their last period. They walked into the science class and took seats next to each other. Once class had started, the teacher introduced them, all the shit they had said the whole day. After they got through everything, they started working in the books. About 10 minutes until school let out Riley set down her pencil and went to turn in her work. As she handed the teacher her paper, then she walked in.

Riley turned her head and stared at the girl, she then looked over at Aubrey, who was looking down at his paper. "Miss Stone do you know how late you are?" Riley walked back to the seat and nudged Aubrey as she sat next to him.

"Damn it Riley, you messed me up." He erased what he had written. "I'm almost done, hold on."

"Aubrey." She whispered.

"Riley I have two more questions, calm down." He was still oblivious to the person that had just walked into the room.

"Aubr-" She said again.

"Riley, give me 5 minutes." She quit trying to tell him and sat back. Riley stared at the back of the girls head. She didn't know they were there, not yet at least. She crossed her arms and starred at Aubrey, who was focused on his work. She waited until he finally dropped his pencil and turned to her. "Okay, what did you want?"

Riley looked in the girl's direction and Aubrey followed her gaze. He stopped for a moment and thought. "Riley is that..."

"Yes, it is." She told him.

"Why the fuck is she here?" He asked. As he finished his sentence the bell rang. Everyone got up and turned their work in. Aubrey walked to the front and Riley packed her stuff up, when Aubrey came back they started walking out but not before hearing her call their names.

"Drake, Riley?" She said. They both turned around.

"Hey Jade." Aubrey gave her a fake smile.

"What are you guys doing here?" She walked beside them on the way out.

"Well we both live here, what are you doing here." Riley said with a slight attitude.

"Remember I moved here." She turned her attention to Aubrey. "Where do you guys stay, maybe we can hang out some time."

"Uh, maybe." He smiled, trying to be polite. "We stay in Lancaster."

"Damn, you are living nice." She completely ignored Riley. "So Drake I mean we could hang out some time, maybe go to dinner one night. You know now that we're not in Compton anymore, it could be different."

"Okay listen bitch, you need to take your bitch ass somewhere else, he's not here for you." Riley spoke up. "Just go on with your hoe friends and leave us the fuck alone. Nothing has changed since we live here now, it will be the same as Compton. You're ass will be basic and I'll be the main."

Aubrey pulled her away after she said that. "We gotta go." He rushed out while pulling Riley. "Really Riley?" Once they got outside they spotted Shay's car.

"What? I'm just laying down the rules." She said.

"Riley but did you really have to say all of that?" He said as they climbed into the car.

"Well I don't want basic bitches fucking with my man." She looked over at Shay.

"Damn Riley already causing problems?" Shay smiled and pulled off.

"No, some bitch was messing with Aubrey." She crossed her arms. "Shay put it like this, if one of the girls is hitting on Ryan what would you do?"

"He's my boss, so there's nothing I can do." She said. "And plus I don't have anything with Ryan."

"Keep telling yourself that." Riley mumbled.


Well that's it! Tell me what you thought of Jade coming back.

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