✴Chapter 28: Poison and Sarcasm

Start from the beginning

What on earth had happened in his mind that he did not know? What made him be so... so soft to that girl?! Oh please. He. Was. Not. Soft. For no one and under no circumstances.

But that's what his subsconcious kept screaming at him. That he was not able to kill her. And Kol never listened to his subsconscious. He could not tell what was right or wrong because he simply did not care. But somehow, this annoying thing called subsconscious kept telling him that it would be wrong to kill Davina Claire. And then, the words rushed out of his mouth so easily, that it actually felt refreshing.

Curse you, Davina Claire.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

As if his day could not get any worse, his sister Rebekah just had to pass by that specific alley and just had to spot him standing there, muttering to himself. What a bloody wonderful day for Kol Mikealson, indeed.

"Kol?" she called him again, stepping closer to her brother. "Where the hell have you been?"

Poor Rebekah was now the one who would have to face Kol's anger.

"Oh you know, just sleeping for hours while a bloody nuisance fried my brain." he spat those words, poison and sarcasm from the bottom to the top.

Rebekah furrowed her brows, her face demonstrating utter confusion. "What? What are you talking about? A nuisance?"

Kol groaned loudly, rubbing his temple. He was annoyed by everything that moment and hearing Rebekah asking those stereotypical questions infuriated him even more.

"Just... Just go, would you?" he sighed, "The last thing I want right now is to see any of our siblings, including you."

Rebekah crossed her arms, refusing to obey to her brother's rude request. "Oh really? Well too bad because I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what happened and where you were."

"Why don't you all go burn in hell together, huh?" he hissed and let out a sarcastic laugh, "You are no better than me. None of you. Liars, hypocrites, manipulative bastards."

The blonde was staring at him in disbelief. She couldn't understand his sudden attitude at all. Seriously, what had happened to him those couple of hours he had disappeared?

"What the hell, Kol! Will you calm down and explain me what has gotten to you?"

He breathed slowly. In and out. "Even your fake concern for me, sister, is hypocritical. Tell me why you really are here. Did Klaus send you to find me? Does he have to eliminate some powerful witch, vampire or whatever and he needs all the Mikealsons together? What? What is it, sis? Or did Elijah tried to be all moral again with his always and forever crap? But wait, that doesn't apply to me, does it?"

"Just shut up Kol for a moment!" Rebekah yelled back at him, finally shutting his foul mouth. "No one send me here! It was my own free will to stop and talk to you! I was heading to the bayou where Elijah is waiting when I saw you standing here. I could as well ignore you and keep walking! So stop being an ungrateful asshole for once and open up to me!"

Kol couldn't see clearly. Couldn't think clearly. His anger from before was just a small flame, but now it had flared up and turned into a disasterous fire.

And you know what's the problem with fires. You cannot easily stop them from spreading.

"Open up to you? Do you even realise we are not the same kids we were a thousand bloody years ago? Things have happened ever since then, we do not trust people, Rebekah. We do not "open up" to people, as you say. Even to each other. And you can thank Michael for that. And mother. So drop that "open up" act and ask yourself; have you ever truly said what you think and what you felt and what you want to our brothers?"


"Have you, Rebekah?"

She did not reply.

Kol sneered at her, arching his brow. "See? You can't open up. I can't open up. Have you ever questioned why?" his face for the first time in a while softened as he stared at his sister, "We have damaged each other so much, that we prefer to keep our thoughts for ourselves."

"We can still change that, Kol." she breathed, her gaze meeting his, "We can try. If we meet the right people, we can change. When you find someone that you can truly trust, that they will be always standing by your side and you slowly open up to them, wouldn't that be progress? Kol, we could finally stop blaming our parents for how we became so suspicious of everything and decide if we're ready to move on. Don't you want that too?"

It was Kol who remained silent now. He lowered his head, a very bitter expression on his face. It was more like a frown he used to hide how he truly felt that moment, to hide the emotion he did not want to show to his sister. After all, he was a great hypocrite too. If this happened in the past, he wouldn't hesitate one bit to tell her how he felt. But this wasn't the past. Things have changed and Kol, as much as it pained him deep down, could not trust anymore his favourite sister, the girl who understood him once the most.

Trust. Truly a very fragile word.

Rebekah stared at him confused when she saw him giving her a chuckle, a perfect mix of emotions hiding behind it.

"But what if I don't want to change, Rebekah?" he asked. "I don't believe there's out there a person I will ever trust, that will never try to betray or backstab me. That's why I don't want to change. I don't want to open up. I'm done trusting people who betray me."

"You mean us. We are those people, aren't we Kol?" her voice sounded like a whisper, barely being able to be heard.

He sighed. Enough with this family drama.

He had more important things to deal with.

He walked past her, shoving his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. But just before he left, his threw a glimpse at her over his shoulder and told her what he had been meaning to say after this four years they had been apart.

"You know, Bex? What hurt me the most those four years, was that you, from all people, never truly came to find me."

He did not wait for her reply. He did not want to hear it. It would be better to part ways with her for now, before things between them would get any worse than they already were.

Because they could. "Worse" was an infinite word.

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