"Father I apologize, I did not realize, no one will know, my dress covers my feet, do not fret over such a petty thing. All is well." I looked at him one last time before I took a deep breath and opened the door to our guest.

"My my, Lady Delacour might I say you look ravishing and what an honour it is to finally meet you. Your father has told me wonderful things about you." The man no older than my father stepped into the house and bowed respectfully to me.

"It is I who is graced by your presence my Lord" I bowed my head respectfully and curtsied.

"Lord Thomas, Thank you for arriving on such short notice. Come in, come in, we have much to discuss. " My father gave me a hard look before returning his attention back on Lord Thomas.

"Rose darling would you be so kind as to escort Lord Thomas into the study?"

"It would be my pleasure." I gave a faint smile towards Lord Thomas and he extended his hand towards me. I accepted and walked with him down the halls towards the study.

"As soon as I received word from your father I came here as quickly as the horses could ride."

"It is such a beautiful day to ride, I was actually just out this morning for a ri-" I stopped myself before I mentioned what I had done this morning to Lord Thomas. He looked down at me with shock.

"For a what?"

"I-I mean for a walk, yes I went out for a walk in the gardens. The sun shined brightly today and I wanted to see all the blooms at their fullest peak." I quickly covered up. He seemed to buy my lies and moved on to talk about the flowers which I mostly ignored. After what seemed like hours we finally got to the study.

"Would you like something to drink Lord Thomas?" I asked.

"Any wine will do." He stated.

 I raised a brow and looked towards the grandfather clock. It was half pass noon. What man drank at mid day? I brushed off my thoughts and nodded and walked out of the room. I sighed as I headed towards the kitchen.

The kitchen servants handed me the wine and a single glass as I made my way back into the study and poured Lord Thomas a glass of red wine. No sooner had my father arrived with a tray of tea for myself and him. Mrs. Watson entered the room carrying scones and my father's glasses. After that she stood behind Lord Thomas near the door in case she was needed further.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence Lord Thomas?" I asked softly as I hunched over to grab my cup of tea.

Mrs. Watson coughed and I looked towards her and her eyes were bulging as she looked at me pointing towards her back and showing a hunched back and straight back. Then I realized my mistake and quickly fixed my posture which thankfully went unnoticed by Lord Thomas, but sadly not by my father who sent me daggers from across the room. I took a sip of my tea as I awaited his response.

"Well the wedding arrangements of course!" He replied happily grabbing the papers from inside his coat pocket.

I spit the tea back into my cup as my eyes grew wide at my father and Lord Thomas.


I started to cough as I looked from my father to Lord Thomas. I quickly grabbed my napkin to stop myself from choking on the air in my throat.

"Lady Delacour are you alright?!" Lord Thomas began to stand as I continued to cough.

I quickly waved him off and took a deep breath as I began to settle.

"I am quiet alright thank you. You just caught me by surprise." I said softly.

"Surprise? What do you mean by surprise?" Lord Thomas looked between myself and my father.

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