|1| The Half Moon.

Start from the beginning

"You shouldn't be out here at this time," The man spoke breaking the silence, "You don't know what could happen."

"What? So, like, being approached by a strange man in the middle of a field," She responded to the man's dull comment with a voice laced with sarcasm and no worry. The man didn't respond as the girl turned to look back at the half-moon.

Ruffling of the black cloak was heard along with something else. The violet-eyed girl didn't bother to look at what the man was doing and continued to be lost in thought. Her eyes widen in wonder when a piece of freshly cooked bread and a container, that seemed to be filled with a liquid, was placed in front of her sight.

"You look like you need this," He smiled handing the sceptical girl the piece of bread and the water container. She lifted up her dirtied and thin fingers to the water container first. Hesitating when the container was near her mouth, she kept her gaze on the piece of bread the man was still holding. She took a whiff of what the contents were in the wooden liquid container. Smelling nothing, she decided it was only water. No longer hesitating, she placed the container to her lips and gulped down all the liquid there was in the container. Water. The cool liquid ran down her throat, finally feeling the moisture it had lacked. She moved her eyes to the man, handing him back the container going for the piece of bread and eating it like there was no tomorrow.

"Wow, I didn't think you'd actually eat that," The man chuckled bending down to her height and patting her head.

"T-thank you," She whispered, turning her head away. She moved her iris' to the side to get a better look at the man. Long hair, which she couldn't tell colour because of the lighting.

"Now, if you would," He said taking a seat beside the girl. "Why are you out here in the middle of the night?" He asked, watching the girl from the corner of his eye. She stayed silent for a moment, having a silent debate with herself.

"Nothing worth having comes easy," she spoke after a long silence, "I worked for something and I got it."

"And what was that?"

"My freedom," Her voice turned dull and strong. But she didn't stop there, she continued with her speech knowing that the man would ask questions, besides, her throat wasn't dry anymore. "Ever since I was little, I wanted everyone to be happy, even if it meant that I would get hurt in the process. I was naive. But I truly believed everyone could be happy, although, with how I was treated, I would mostly be the unhappy one while everyone else was happy. How would I know if they were happy? That was something I would leave for my future self to think about."

She brought her knees to her chest, hugging them. "Love is the reason why there is pain in the world, Ya know? Knowing what it feels to be in pain, is the reason I try to be kind to others, Ya know." She turned her head to him and grinned for the first time in a long time. "Thank you for your kindness, mysterious person, and I'm sorry for all the pain you had to go through."

The man froze at her words, was he really showing her kindness? He didn't think so. Not at all. But how did she know that he went through tough times in his life?

"What you just told me has nothing to do with freedom," he said, a slight crease in between his eyebrows.

"But people have the freedom to be kind to others, no?" The girl asked, tilting her head to the side in wonder. Silence filled the air as the ma didn't know how to respond.

"You're still naive," He suddenly spoke in a voice different to the one he spoke with her earlier. Her violet eyes widened at his words, snapping her gaze back onto the man. "You trust too easily, Uzumaki Mina."

Somehow, her eyes widened even more. She blinked at the sudden wave of dizziness, rocking back and forth in her sitting position. "He said it would be difficult to gain the nine tales power, but it was easier than I thought, after all, you are alone."

Mina blinked rapidly, using the strength she managed to muster up to jump away from the man. Though, as soon as she stood up, she lost balance and fell forward but managed to stay on her feet. Using her right hand to balance herself, she looked up to see the long-haired man standing up calmly.

Without warning, she shot forward ready to attack the man. For some reason, she felt heavier and slower. But she pushed forward, throwing a series of kicks and punches. They all were dodged due to her sloppy movements.

Before she even had the chance to unseal her weapons, she was hit. It took one hit. One punch to get her crippling in pain, grasping her stomach gasping for air and falling to her knees. "There's no point in fighting me in your state, you may have won the first fight we had. But trust me when I say, I'll win the next fight too." He muttered, "Though, this can't be classed as a fight." That's one way of slowing down a person who can use the Flying Thunder God Technique. Intoxicate them.

Life was short, so it's important to make the right choice when you have the chance, otherwise, it will be difficult.


I'm excited~!

Thank you guys for reading.

Just a heads up, this is the year where I do really important exams, so if a chapter isn't posted when I want to, blame life. Though, can it really be called life when the moment we are born we start dying?

Unedited, 10/10/17

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