WHAT!//Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

I glanced at Al, and he nodded for me to go sit at the Gryffindor table. I was questioned immediately.

"You're teaching DADA? But you're 15!" Ron exclaimed.

"I honestly have no idea why Al chose me for this. I found out when you did." I told him.

"And why are you in 8th year?" Ginny asked.

"I have been taking private classes on the side, so I'm very advanced for my age." The lie rolled off my tongue.

Finally, they stopped asking me questions and ate their food. It looked delicious. I didn't eat anything, just took in my surroundings. I looked up at the ceiling in the Great Hall. It was a perfect copy of the sky. It even had Zoe's constellation.

Eventually, the feast was over and it was time to head to our dorms. Al was leading us, and I was hanging in the back, talking to Harry and Draco.

"So, anything happen here that I should be aware of? We don't learn much about history outside of America." I told them.

"Well, Harry here defeated Voldemort once when he was a child, and again last year! He also defeated his followers called Death Eaters. Voldemort used horcruxes to split his soul into parts. Harry dealt with him almost every year at school and he defeated all of the horcruxes. And now Voldemort will never come back!" Draco gushed, making Harry turn a bit red.

"Wait, this guy's name is Voldemort? Doesn't he know that means 'death flight'? And his followers are called Death Eaters?" I snorted.

"Well, his real name is Tom Riddle—" Harry started.

I interrupted, my voice angry. "Tom Riddle? I hate that guy. Asshole had to go and split his soul, and cause so much paper work."

Harry gave me a weird look. I shrugged. I decided I better ask Al what the hell he was thinking by having me teach DADA. I reached the front of the line, and found Draco and Harry right behind me.

"Al, what the hell are you thinking? I don't know how to teach a class!" I exclaimed.

Al chuckled, that twinkle in his eye ever present. "Just do what you think is best. Feel free to ask Remus for help. Also, feel free to teach them combat without wands, seeing as that is your forte." Al suggested.

"Ok, thanks Al." I responded.

I felt a familiar chill in the air. The chill of the undead. I used my powers to figure out exactly who and what it was. Peeves, the poltergeist. And he was coming this way.

He reached us quickly, and started to make the hallway rain. The students all groaned in annoyance. Peeves laughed. He still hadn't noticed me yet.

"Peeves," I taunted up at him.

He froze, noticing me for the first time, and immediately stopped his prank.

"I-I'm s-so s-so s-so s-so-sor-sorr-sorry m-my l-lo-lor-lord. I did, I did not , I didn't see you there." Peeves rambled, before scrambling to bow down.

"Get up Peeves." I commanded in a bored tone.

He was shaking, and looked around in fear. The other 8th years looked at me.

"Now, I don't want to hear anymore incidents. Now scram, or." I paused, then continued to do in my best impression of Draco. "My father will hear about this."

Peeves ran away, and the rest of the group was laughing. Well, Draco punched me in the shoulder, but then started laughing. When the laughter finally seized, confusion arose.

"Oi, Nico, how did you do that?" Ron asked.

"It was something I learned in one of my private lessons." I lied.

"Can you teach me?" Harry asked.

"I don't think so. It was one of my inherited abilities, that they unlocked during my lessons." I explained.

We finally reached the common room.

"Olympus Almighty." Al said to the portrait.

I snickered, and Al had a slight smile on his face. 'Mione, Neville, and Draco were trying their best to hold in their laughter.

The common room was pretty big. There were 3 couches, and 4 arm chairs. There was a huge fireplace, and a coffee machine.

"Boys on the right, girls on the left." Al announced, before leaving.

I walked up the stairs, and passed by doors.

Neville Longbottom

Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan

Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy

Finally, I came across my room

Nico di Angelo

The dorm room was huge. It was all black, some sun decorations on the walls. This made me snicker. There was also a basin, with a prism next to it, and a bag of drachmas. There was also a balcony.

I sent Will a quick call. After telling him that if anyone at camp wants to contact me, have them send a letter, I swiped through the message.

I decided to figure out some lesson plans, since I would be teaching a class.  I want to have Remus come teach for a week in November. From the 10th to the 17th. I sent him a quick letter, asking him if he would be available.

At 2 am, I was done with my first 3 months of classes. I took a break, and decided to sleep on it. I would find out my classes tomorrow, and when I would teach. After an hour of trying to fall asleep, I finally did, ready for the year ahead.

A/N: hey guys!  Sorry for leaving you on that cliff hanger. Also, special thanks to @Lilith359 @Living_life_4_ever @PerliNat and @TriangleSupporter for your comments! I missed the 700, and 800 mark, but thanks for 900 reads! I never would have expected to get this many reads, so thank you! Make sure to vote and/or comment if you enjoyed! And feel free to send me suggestions. Thanks so much!
Peace out

Nico Goes to HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now