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                  After receiving the call that Rock had been in an car accident Brooke rushed to the hospital to be by his side in Rock's time of need.

She now sat in a chair in his room holding his hand waiting for him to awake from his slumber.

Brooke was so curious and wanted to know what had happened.

She tried to reach out to Scar but he had fled the city.

He had survived the car crash only receiving a few scratches and bruises.

At that moment the door open, Alisha walked in along with a nurse.

"Hey love, I brought you some food" Alisha said handing Brooke a bag of McDonalds.

"I'm not hungry right now" Brooke said with her head down declining the food.

"Well your feeding for two now, it's not just about you anymore" Alisha said as she rubbed Brooke's belly.

Brooke reluctantly took the bag and started eating on a few fries.

She had forgot the nurse was in the room.

"When will he wake up nurse?"

"I don't know sweetie, but right now is too dangerous. In his condition the pain would be too unbearable if he wakes up now"

Brooke rubbed Rock's hand.

"He's gonna be okay though right?"

"Yes, he just needs a few days of rest and he will be just fine" she said before leaving the room.

"Well girl I'm gone be out, You coming with? You been here almost all day"

"Nah, i'mma wait here until he wakes up, he needs me. He needs us" she said rubbing her belly.

"Well if you need anything just give me a call love" Alisha said giving Brooke a hug before leaving.

"What I need right now, you can't give me" she whispered as she looked at Rock.


               Brooke woke up the next morning around seven. She rubbed the back of her neck as she felt a sharp pain go through it.

Sleeping in a chair was not comfortable at all but she would do it every night just to be by Rock's side.

She felt her phone vibrate against her hip.

Black was calling.

She thought about not picking up but she did anyway.

"Hello?" she answered groggily.

"Hey, I know it's a little early but I just wanted to know if you thought about us yet?"

Brooke sighed.

"Look Black there's been a lot going on in the past twenty-four hours and I just hadn't had a lot of time to think about it"

"Oh I understand, is there anything I can do to help out?"

"No, nobody can do anything, I just need time"

"Okay ma, just hit me up when your ready"

"Will do"


"Yeah Brian?" she said calling him by his government name.

"I love you"

Brooke just held the phone to her ear.

She couldn't lie she still had love for Black but she wasn't in love with him anymore.

In her heart she always knew that Black was just Rock's replacement.

Now that she has Rock she didn't need Black anymore.

Well at least she had him..

"Love you too Black" she said as friendly as possible.

She ended the call and then averted her attention to Rock counting the days until he would wake up.


One Week Later..

"Damn, how much medication did they put his ass on?" Alisha said as she handed Brooke some fresh clothes and food.

"I don't know but I'm worried that he may never wake up"

"Don't think like that, he's gonna wake up soon just give it time"

"I guess so"

"I would stay but hospitals give me this bad vibe, i'll be back later"

Brooke nodded her head and went into the bathroom to freshen up.

After cleaning herself up and changing her clothes she sat back in the chair next to Rock's bed.

He was still asleep.

She sighed loudly, she hadn't been outside since the day she found out he was in an accident.

She held onto his hand and rested her head on the bed as she drifted off to sleep.

The rest consumed her body and she was finally getting some good sleep.

The flinching of a hand startled her and stirred her out of her nap.

She slowly lifted her head from the bed and noticed Rock's hand moving.

She jumped up and looked to see that he was finally awake.

"Your awake" she smiled.

She wanted to hug him so bad but she knew it would cause him pain.

He looked down at her and gave her this mean glare.

She knew he was still mad at her.

The nurse came in with a glass of water, helping Rock drink it.

He drunk the water in a matter of seconds and then the nurse left.

"What are you doing here?" he said not even looking at Brooke.

"The hospital called me, I came as soon as I heard I haven't left ever since"

"Well maybe you should leave now"

"Why are you so mad at me?" she asked her eyebrows furrowed.

"You set me up and now my mother is dead" he said not even believing himself.

"That's a lie Rock and you know it"

"Man, Whatever"

"Why don't you believe me?"

He kept quiet as he avoided making eye contact with her.

"Look, I just wanted to be here to support you but I see you don't want anything to do with us, call me when you come back to your senses" Brooke said as she gathered her stuff ready to walk out the door.

"Us?" he asked.

"Yes, us."

Rock shook his head, he already knew what was coming.

"I'm pregnant Rock"

He looked at Brooke silently.

"So your not gonna say anything?" she said with her hands up.

He still kept quiet.

"Ok, cool. I'm out" she said dropping her hands and walking out the door making sure to slam it.

She stormed out of the hospital and began to walk down the street.

She didn't even care to get in her car, she wanted to walk her pain away, totally oblivious to the two people watching her every move.

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