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Two weeks later..

                "AGHHH!" Rock roared as he threw the wooden dining room chair against the wall breaking it into pieces.

Brooke stood off to the side, she didn't know what to say or do to mend Rock's broken heart.

Just ten minutes earlier Rock received the worst news of his life that his mother had been killed.

The report determined that she was killed the same night that Brooke and Rock had dinner with her.

"How could I let this happen!?" Rock asked aloud as he breathe heavily and ran his fingers through the waves in his hair.

"It's not your fault baby!" Brooke said as she tried to console him but it wasn't happening he just continued to push her away.

"Brooke, I can't deal with this shit right now, imma get to the bottom of this" he said as he grabbed his cars keys and stormed out of the house.

Brooke dropped to her knees and started to cry, for some reason she was blaming herself for the death of his mother as if she was a shadow of bad luck that had casted over them.


Rock walked into the trap house, business was running smooth as usual.

He dapped up his right hand man, Scar as they both took a seat at the round table in Rocks office.

"You good bruh?"

Rock just shook his head as he went into deep thought.

"Who could've done this shit?"

"Well I think this might help" Scar said as he handed Rock an envelope.

"The fuck is this?" Rock asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Shit, the hell if I know it got dropped off this morning"

Rock opened the envelope and pulled out a letter, and rage filled his body as he read the words that had been written on the paper.

It wasn't much but it was all that needed to be said to answer Rock's questions concerning his mother's death.

How does it feel to lose someone close to you? You took Z, and I took your precious mother, BITCH ASS NIGGA!

Rock balled up the paper and threw it the wall viciously.

"What did it say?"

"This is all her fault..." Rock said as he stood up from his seat and started to breathe heavily.


"That nigga Black was behind the shit! and It's all Brooke's fault!" he yelled.

Scar had a scared look plastered on his face.

"What's up with you nigga" Rock questioned him.

"Nothing" Scar said brushing it off.

Rock wanted to press the issue but he didn't, He had to go confront Brooke.

He couldn't even face her right now so he decided to call her.

She answered on the first ring.

"Hey bae, are you okay?"

"Look, I need you to pack your shit and get out my house" he said coldly.

"What- Why?"

"Your little boyfriend was behind the shit and you knew about it!" Rock knew she ain't have nothing to do with it but at the moment he was pissed and so for that he put the blame on her.

"WHAT!? I didn't know about this! Rock I would never do that to you, I love you! please believe me"

"Fuck all that! You better be out my house by the time I get back" and with that he ended the call.

Shit had got so fucked up in such a short amount of time.


              Time Brooke got off the phone with Rock she packed the little things she had and left before he got home.

Now she sat in Alisha's apartment as she cried her eyes out to her best friend.

All Alisha could do was console her best friend in her time of need.

"He really thinks I had something to do with it"

Alisha could only shake her head, she realized Rock was hurt but that was no reason to blame Brooke.

"Dont worry, Rock will come to his senses real soon, he's just hurting right now"

"I don't-" before she could get it out she started throwing up on the floor.

"What the hell girl! I just vacuumed and shit, what's wrong with you?" Alisha said as she pushed a trash can in front of Brooke.

Brooke continued to vomit as she buried her head into the trash can.

When she was done she wiped her mouth.

She saw something white dangling in her face and realized it was a pregnancy test.

"What are you doing Alisha?"

"Bitch I ain't stupid, you and Rock been fucking and now your ass over here throwing up on my clean floor not to mention I just ran out of pinesol today"

"Boo Bye, get that shit out my face I am not pregnant"

"Did he wrap it up?"

Brooke thought long and hard and realized he always went in raw.

"Never" she said softly.

"This is serious Brooke, how long y'all been having sex?"

"About everyday for the past two or three weeks"

"Take the test so I know it's real"

Brooke snatched the test out Alisha's hand and went inside the bathroom.

She peed on the stick and waited for the results to pop up and a tear almost traced her cheek when two lines appeared on the tiny screen.

She opened the door slowly and Alisha was waiting by the door way for her.

Brooke handed Alisha the pregnancy test and a "I knew It" look plastered her face.

"Don't say nothing" Brooke said.

"Bitch I told you so! You know you gotta tell Rock right?"

"I don't think so, he don't wanna speak to me so imma keep it to myself"

"I think you should tell him"

Brooke sighed. "When things blow over then I'll tell him"

This shit was not gonna be easy.

Hi Readers!

I know y'all probably wondering why I haven't updated much and it's because I've been working on my other book "End of our Road" It's coming along great and I LOVE IT!

You can read this book on my other acc @ UrbanBased_

I promise you, you won't be disappointed!

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