The Wand for the Crown.

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Uma grinned, standing not far from Mal, who held the fake wand. "So you do have the Mermaid." Uma smirked, looking over at me. I narrowed my eyes, the irises were undoubtedly bright blue. Carlos took a step in front of me, as if to send Uma a message to back off. "Oh that's rich." Harry laughed. "Why'd you run away, Princess?" Uma questioned, smirking. "You have a deal to attend to." I snapped.

Uma turned back to Mal, who had slightly extended the wand out, wanting to get on with the trade. "Hold up, too easy. Why don't you give it a test drive? We want to see it work." Uma smirked. "You always were quite the drama queen." Mal narrowed her eyes at Uma. Dude came up from the side, the sound of his paws being caught by my ear. I jabbed Carlos with my elbow. He looked down at me and I subtly pointed over at Dude.

"Oh and nothing to big, or else Ben is fish bait." Uma grinned, her crew being sent into a fit of mocking laughter. Mal turned back to us, and Carlos cocked his head over towards dude. Mal turned towards the dude and held the wand out to him. "All though it seems upsurd, turn your bark into a word." She said waving the wand. I bit my lip, my heart beating at a speed I didn't know possible. "Talk dog." Mal urged. "Does this vest make me look fat?" He whimpered. The crew was sent into cheering laughter.

"Give me the wand!" Uma seethed. "Give me Ben!" Mal snapped back. Uma grinned and pulled away slightly. "Harry." Uma waved him over.

Ben was thrown at the feet of Mal. Uma held her hand out for the wand, and in response, Mal held out her hand for Ben. "Cut him loose Harry." Uma commanded. "I never get to have any fun." Harry grumbled, slicing Ben's ropes. I let out a scoff at his remark. The two items were swapped and I immediately started making my way towards the pipe.
"Ben go!" Mal pushed him back urgently.

"You do not get to win every time!" Uma shouted. The smoke bombs began flying, ensuing chaos. "Ariana!" Jay threw me a sword. "Oh no~" A pirate ran at me, holding his sword loosely. Oh thank you, Dad for teaching me how to wield a sword. I quickly countered each one of his moves, quickly overpowering him and knocking him off the side.

"Hello, Sea Hag." One of the Pirates smirked, approaching me. This man, was the one that touched me, while I was at Ursula's restaurant. I growled and ran at him, I knocked the sword out of him, sliding between his feet, I kicked his back, knocking him onto his stomach. I pushed him off, into the water. I jumped up onto the next catwalk, and got in the middle of Carlos' fight. "Sorry!" I said, ducking to the floor to avoid getting cut. I knocked the girl's feet out from under her and she fell onto her back. Her head slammed against a rock, knocking her out cold.

A man jumped on top of Carlos, planting him on the floor. How dare he? I ripped the man off of Carlos, and held him by his neck. "Don't you dare touch him." I snapped, pressing the man up against a wooden post. He looked down at me with fearful eyes. "Am I clear?!" I shouted, my voice was vicious and cruel. The man burst into tears, making me snap back to reality. I... lost control again... Oh my god. "Ari?" Carlos placed a hand on my shoulder, he was worried. I quickly knocked it away, avoiding him seeing my face. I could feel the burn around my eyes, there was no doubt that it wasn't a pretty sight. "Just go! Go get the car started!" I snapped, quickly distracting myself with getting everyone out of here.

Evie threw a smoke bomb, and we all filed into the pipe. Mal was the last one, behind me. She pushed the catwalk off into the water, not longer allowing them over here. We all ran back to the limo, throwing our swords in the trunk, before jumping inside. I sat down far from Carlos and moments later, Ben and Mal joined us.

"I'm really sorry that things didn't go the way they wanted to." Ben apologized. "As long as you're safe, that's-" Her voice went off into heavy pants. "I mean, At least I got to see the isle. They're my people too. Uma helped me see that." Ben said. Everyone stared at him, as if he was insane. Which I completely agree with, because That girl is a witch! "Ben, Uma captured you." Mal recollected in disbelief. "She's an angry girl. With a bad plan. It's not so different from you, when you came to Auradon, Mal." Ben said. Mal's jaw dropped at that, astonished.

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