Oh audrey.

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I woke up in my room. "How the?" I mumbled . There was a note on my desk. I picked it up. 'Morning, uh you fell asleep in jay's and my room while we played video games. So I carried you back to your room. I took off your heels, but I didn't change you cause that would be awkward. Uh so all of your jewelry and stuff is set in the chair next to you desk.' Uh oh. I looked over at the chair and sure enough there was my cuff and necklace. I cursed. I lifted the sheets and sure enough there was my tail. I groaned. This thing weighs a ton above water. I reached towards my cuff but I couldn't reach it. I groaned and leaned off my bed and it was just a finger length away. I reached a little more but ended up hitting the floor with a thud. I groaned and grabbed the cuff and put it on. It disappeared and went back to legs with a tattered skirt. I frowned and ran to the bathroom and took a shower. "Why haven't my powers gone out of control yet?" I asked myself. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I went to my closet and grabbed a dress and a pair of heels. I got dress and went and grabbed my necklace. I put it on and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a piece  of cake and grabbed a fork and started eating. The door opened and in walked Audrey. "Hey Audrey!" I greeted. She looked at me with fear slightly evident in her eyes. "Ari! Hi!" She said walking over to the fridge. "So guess what?" I said smirking. "What?" She asked looking back at me. "You used fairy dust to knock me out and make me lose my voice." I explained. She tensed. "I swear if you tell anyone-" I cut her off. "Ben already knows. You get what's coming for you. But uh, I just want to know why?" I asked. "Why would I tell you?" She asked. I smirked. "Because-" I said pointing at the door. Nothing happened. She frowned. "Because." I said pointing at the door. Nothing happened. I huffed and walked over to the door. I opened it and there stood Doug. "Sorry." He told me. Then he faced Audrey. "King Benjamin would like to see you." He said. Fear and worry spiked in her eyes before it was covered. She walked back me and Doug led her to Ben. Good luck Audrey. I feel bad for you. The door closed and I grabbed my cake before walking out out of the kitchen. I walked over to Carlos' room. I frowned. I paused before knocking on the door. Should I? Here goes nothing. I knocked on the door.  I let out a deep breath and  a few seconds later the door opened. There stood jay. He smirked then looked back into the room and jerked his head towards me. He then frowned. "One second." He told me with an attractive smile that would melt any girl but I have someone else. He closed the door and I heard shuffling and quiet arguing. I giggled. Then the door opened and there stood Carlos. He gave me a shy smile. I laughed. "Would you like to have Lunch together?" I asked. He smiled and blushed slightly. I smirked. "So is that a yes?" I asked. "Oh! Yes! Yes! Sorry, I uh dozed off a little." I frowned. Am I that boring. "Ok, I'll meet you in the courtyard." I said and kissed his cheek. I then walked off to go see Ben.

I passed Audrey as she walked out of the throne room. She glared at me and i smiled kindly. I walked into the throne room. Ben was talking with one of the cooks. He looked over at me and smiled. He dismissed the maid and started walking towards me. "How's it feel to wear a tux everyday?" I asked. "How's it to wear a dress everyday?" He retorted. "Touché." I said. I pulled him into a hug. "Are you ok?" He asked. I laughed. "Never better." I said. He smiled. "So what happened with Audrey?" I asked pulling out of the hug. "Oh so that's why you came to talk to me. Good to know I'm loved." He laughed. I rolled my eyes smiling. "Her parents were told of what happened, she is gonna be working in the kitchen for a while. Then we took away all and any magical items she possessed. Then your mom and dad decided to have her banned from all sports at the school. The school banned her from magic Chem." Ben explained. I smiled. "I feel bad for her." I commented. "Anyways. I'm going to lunch with Carlos, then visiting mom and dad. See you tomorrow!" I said and he smirked. I punched him in the arm and gave him a hug before walking out.

Sorry I took so long to post! School started and I haven't had time to write anything! Hope you liked it! Love you all my super lovelies!

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