On through life

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This Is kinda the last chapter 😅, sorta like an epilogue, but I probably will do a sequel starting whenever the trailer for descendants two comes out. Or maybe a little before that. They are still filming it now and are probably almost done, so without further ado, ENJOY!

Mal was ok now and back to school. Evie was watching her like a hawk and Ben was helping her at any given opportunity. I could tell Mal just wanted that to be over, I would too. Rose and Carlos had gotten really close and I think I have handled it pretty good. So far I have broken a wall, there is a bunch of boulders lying around in the ocean (don't ask), uh let's just say the janitor had to clean up a mess of paper towels in the bathroom..... Yea. I handled this horribly. Are we even dating? I mean we went on a date, but are we girlfriend and boyfriend? We kissed a lot. Till SHE came along. I honestly don't know anymore. Right now I was just helping out with tourney practice. I was sitting on the bench giving the boys water as much as possible, due to the cold weather. The body will think you are fine and don't need water but really you are getting more dehydrated then in the heat. Jay was taking a break cause he wanted to give others a turn to practice. And so was Carlos.... He was talking to Rose on the sidelines. I was glaring at that girl like no tomorrow. "You know, I know this place is all magical and stuff, but... I don't think mermaids have laser vision." Jay joked. I laughed. "Nah, I'm thinking if I glare at her long enough, fairy godmother will grant my wish."
I explained. "Good luck with that." He chuckled. "Jay you're up." Coach said. Jay stood up. "Carlos! Stop kissing the girl and get into the game!" Coach shouted. My head snapped over to them. And sure enough, it was happening. I clenched my fists and stood up. I walked up to coach. "May I?" I asked, glancing over at the canons. "You too were dating?" He asked. I nodded. "Oh girl. Have at it." Coach said. I walked over to the canon stand. Coach whispered something to jay. Jay shared a look with me and nodded to coach. He gave a laugh before shaking his head and putting his helmet on. The boy on the stand helped me up and showed me how to work it before getting off. Jay whispered something to Ben and Chad. "Yo! Coach! How many can I shoot?!" I shouted over to him and Carlos' head shot up too look at me.  "Since its your first time, as many as you want!" He shouted back. I grinned. The whistle blew and the boys were off. Chad and Jay were keeping Carlos In a bubble to push him towards the kill zone. Oh hell ya. Ben was on the other team hitting the ball towards Carlos. He stepped into the kill zone and the boys gave me a clear shot. I started shooting perfect shots hitting him each time and he collapsed on the ground. I landed 6 shots on him. He groaned the boys helped him up. He looked over at me. I grinned. "Sorry! Did that hurt?!" I called. He shook his head and they went back to starting positions. This continued for a while. I continued landing hits on him. Then practice was over. I smirked and walked over to the bench grabbing my stuff. I discreetly high-fived coach. "See you tomorrow?" I asked. "I say give him a few weeks." Coach laughed, I joined in. "Good job boys!" I shouted before walking off. I went to Mal and Evie's room.  I knocked on the door, still kinda pissed off. The door opened. "Rose and Carlos kissed." I blurted. Evie's mouth dropped. "Oh hunny." She soothed pulling me in the room. "What happened?" Mal asked. "Rose, Carlos, mouths." I said dropping down onto Evie's bed. "Details Hun." Evie said. "I was helping out at tourney practice, and Jay and Carlos were sitting out to let some others play. So Jay and I talked. Then coach was about to put them back in and he called Carlos away from Rose, saying to stop kissing and I looked up to see it happen. So then the entire rest of practice, I shot him with kill zone disks. It was fun." I explained. "How many times did you shoot him?" Mal asked. "About 4 each round." I said. "Niiicccee!" She complimented giving me a high five. "Mal!" Evie scolded slapping Mal's hand. Mal gave her a 'seriously?' Look. Evie sighed. "Ok, fine, good job Ari." Evie laughed. I smiled at her. There was a knock on the door and I shared a look with the girls before jumping under the bed and wrapping myself in a blanket before shrinking into a ball. The door opened. "Have you seen Ari?" I heard him ask and my heart clenched. So this is how the rest of my week was gonna go. Avoiding him. Great.

~one month later~

I haven't talked to him for a month.
After two weeks the ended up dating. And that whole day I stayed locked up in my room. Then Beauty and the Beast got concerned. They talked to my parents and the almost had me go home.

       And stay there.

But I convinced them otherwise. Which was good at the time. Now looking back at it..... I don't know what I should've picked. I'm hurting here. Ben, Mal, Jay, Evie, Doug, Chad, Audrey, and so on.... They all try to help me. And I love them for it. But everytime he kisses her or touches her, a little part of me dies inside. Oh lord I sound like a confused 12 year old who just broke up for the first time. But the thing is, you know when it's your happily ever after. I just knew he was, but I guess he proved me wrong. I was sitting in chemistry with Evie. Thankfully no rose or Carlos. Praise the lord. Since the new year had just started, and all holiday was over, The Chem teacher was easy on us and just let us do a poster. "You know we weren't really taught romance on the island." Evie said. I nodded. I had an idea of it. "Well, I think I got the most teaching of it. Cause my mom and all.... Yea. What I'm trying to say is he may not really grasp what he is doing and how this all works." Evie explained. "Thanks E, but me knowing that isn't gonna change his mind." I said looking at her. "You never know..." She sang smirking. "What are you and Mal planning?" I said with narrowed eyes. "Nothing." Evie grinned. Then the bell rung. She grabbed her stuff and ran out the door. I sighed. Great. It was lunch time and school was over for me. Finally. It was almost Ben's birthday so I was really excited. That would be tons of fun. Ben barely has anymore classes at the school. He just has Enchanted Forestry, and Heroism. Then he has lone classes with his dad where his father teaches him the likes of being a king. His father taught him already, he's really just keeping him in line. Then the rest of Ben's day goes to tourney and being a king. He plans on asking Someone *cough* Mal *cough cough*, I'm sorry I don't know what came over me, To be queen a few months after his birthday (MAL OF COURSE WHO ELSE). Once this school year finishs.... I go back to Atlantis. And I take the crown.
I went and put all my stuff in my locker before walking out to go through the forest to the enchanted lake. "I have strings.... To hold me down.... Make me fret...... To make me frown......" I sang quietly walking through the forest. Soon I got to the lake and took off my heels and Ben's jacket and set it on the concrete. I took off my skirt to be in my swim suit. I folded my clothes and set them behind a post. I took off my special necklace and set it with my stuff. I planned on swimming with legs today so I was already in a bright and colorful swim suit. I went up to the mini cliff and dived into the water. I swam up and a bright light shined. I looked down and realized I had a tail. I quickly looked around and couldn't find my cuff. I swam around the lake for hours upon hours and couldn't find it. Maybe I could just go get someone and have them help- I can't walk. I can't yell, cause no one will hear me. "Carlos!" I heard an all to giggly voice shout. I growled. Did he take her here? I watched as they walked into view and I frowned with my eyes narrowed. Carlos had his hands over her eyes. He scanned over the area and I sank into the water. Once he saw everything was clear he told her to open her eyes. "Woah." She breathed. He seriously brought her here on a date. They went and sat out in the concrete structure. Rose was steps away from my clothes, she sat down turning her back to it. Carlos sat down in front of her and they talked for a while before Carlos tensed. Looking right in the direction of my clothes. Rose turned and saw nothing and looked back at Carlos confused. "Is something wrong?" She asked. "No, no, everything is just fine. I remembered that I still have homework. Do you mind if.....?" He trailed of hoping she would get it. "Oh yea! It's fine, we can always come back." She grinned. I narrowed my eyes. They stood up and walked off. Rose disappeared from my view, but Carlos turned and looked at me. He gave me a nod. I'm hoping that means he'll send someone or something. He disappeared from my view and I started swimming up and down the lake, still looking for my cuff. Even in the absolutely clear water and the gold and diamond cuff, I still couldn't find it. I swam up and sat on a rock. A few tears ran down my face. I heard movement in the water and looked up. I didn't see anything before I felt hands on my shoulders. I turned around and Carlos was there. He gave me a big hug and started shaking. "I'm so sorry." He cried. I froze. Wait, what?

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