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Yoongi took the day off today .. He promised to treat me right this time.. I agreed to his plans which includes cuddling while watching a movie playing on the big screen ...

"angel.. I prepared this specially for today.. Come on" he tugged my arm and I excitedly hopped onto the bed with him.. soon a movie played and it was one of the Disney movies that I love .. Beauty and The Beast .. Yoongi pulled me closer and I cuddled up to his chest..

"Your favourite right angel?" he whispers , pecking my temple.. I nodded together with a hum.. The movie was halfway when I suddenly felt distracted with the man next to me..

"Yoongi .. tell me about yourself.. " He turned to look at me .. "I thought you were watching the movie?"  I shook my head and sat up .. "I want to know you..since I'm going to be your Queen soon " I said , fiddling with my fingers..I saw him smile at the corner of my eyes..

" you know my name.. I'll tell you my birthday.." My eyes lightened and I nodded excitedly.. "I was born on 9th March .. " I hummed.. " I'm guessing you are in your 20s .. almost your late 20s?" guessed myself but he chuckled instead..

"oh Angel.. I can't be that young.. " his fingers reached to put strands of my hair back .. "Then..? how old are you?" I questioned back.. "Its best if you don't know.. Well ... I got summoned when I'm in my early 20s angel.. " 

I looked at him and he was already looking at me the entire time .. I blushed.. "Summoned? you work for Lucifer ? the king of hell??" he shrugs .. "Something like that ... but no , I don't work for him.. I'm a demon .. in fact , a winged one that's living on earth.." he explains ..

"Im the boss of everything .. you can just name it and its all mine .. I own almost half of this town baby.. that's why no one ever messes with Agust" he said , voice getting deeper as he speaks..

"If you said you were summoned at the age of early 20s, you'll look like this forever? I mean like... forever and ever ??" I asked with my eyebrows raised up .. he chuckled and pinched my cheeks ..

"You're so adorable.. and yes angel .. you got that right.. " His hand grabbed for a cigarette and lights it up with a lighter .. I coughed and fanned the smoke away .. I personally don't smoke and I just ugh hate it .. but I didn't know that the type of cigarette he's smoking smelled different? it smells strong .. more stronger than the usual does

"why do you need a queen then?" I asked .. he blew the smoke from his lips and flick my thighs with his fingers.. I flinched and pinched his naughty hand away..

"I could say that I'm lonely and I need company ... sex mostly .. but I could also say that I need attention and love.. I tried searching for one but none can accept me, but you.."  I blushed at his words..

"its not just that ... if I marry a girl and make her as queen , I finally get my part from Lucifer which I will explain to you later ,after I transfer my blood into yours and make you a part of me as well" I paid close attention to every word..

"does that means , I'll be like you? I'll have wings ? I won't age as well??" I asked continuously , making him laugh .. "Yes .. yes and yes angel..."

"when will that day happen ?"

"until I get you to really love me"


Yoongi had to leave me after the movie..  which is fine because he's a busy man after all .. I'm just a tiny bit disappointed that he had to cancel today but he kissed me and promised that he will make it up to me next time..

I smiled to myself , touching my lips with my fingers , giggling madly after.. I saw doyeon just about to enter her room with a guy? I shrugged it off knowing probably it was a friend of hers..

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