✴Chapter 27: Square One

Start from the beginning

In mere seconds he had grabbed her by the neck and the next minute she found herself pinned on the wall as the vampire slammed her head back. "You're dead."

Davina was expecting a reaction like that, she wasn't blind or dense. But it wasn't the physical pain that harmed her, but the pure hatred in his eyes when he was looking at her. "Kol listen-" she gagged.

"You messed with my mind and you think you'll get away with it?" he yelled, tightening the grip, "You are dead, little witch. You hear that?"

She thrashed and struggled to free herself from him. She couldn't reason with him. Kol was blinded by his own madness, he wouldn't listen to anything she had to say. But what was there to say? How dumb of her. There was no way she could communicate with him that moment! She had to break free now!

Davina didn't waste any minute. The girl kneeled him in the gut, which seemed to catch him off guard. She slipped out of his grasp and made a dash to the door, but it wasn't Kol who made her stop just before she reached the door. It was a voice.

"Marcel wait! You can't go-"

"Move Josh! She's up there with him!"

"Ma-" Kol grabbed her again, placing his hand forcefully over her mouth. He pulled her back, putting some distance between them and her only route to escape.

"Don't speak." he hissed in her ear and looked around warily. He had to find a way to get out of there before Marcel came. He was still weak for a fight, he needed to feed. Not to mention Kol wouldn't allow him to get involved in this. It was a matter between him and the little witch. And that day, he would put an end to it for sure.

He smirked once his eyes fell upon the window. "No one is coming to save you, Davina Claire." his words sounded harsh in the girl's ear, sending shivers down her spine.

This wasn't right. This wasn't supposed to happen.

Why everything had to be so difficult and messed up?

~ • ~

What... What was happening?

Her head was spinning and spinning, as if she had been sitting on a horse on a carousel. She had lost consciousness? That must be the case, since she wasn't able to move any muscle of her body, any limb, not even her own eyes. Why had she been unconscious? What had happened?

Gradually, her memories kept coming back, one at a time. She was in the attic with Kol. And Marcel was coming to save her. But what happened afterwards? She recalled Kol saying something to her and then everything was blurry in her mind. But a tight knot in the pit of her stomach made her doubt the possibility of her having been saved by Marcel.

Her tingling senses awoke her, but she was too weak to do more than look around the room. A cabin?  She was in a cabin, in the woods. As she attempted to stand on her feet, something prevented her from doing so, holding her still. What?  The brunette looked down only to see her hands bound and tied down. Just like her legs. Panic soon settled in as the girl squirmed and wiggled around a little, but without accomplishing anything. Her wrists and ankles were in sore pain, and they were bruised.

The sound of a door opening made her head snap to the side. And as she feared, Kol was the one to walk in, with a big sadistic grin on his face.

His clothes were stained with blood just like his mouth and neck. Perfect. In a few hours he had already gone for a killing spree and who knows how many souls he had taken. But what Davina was worried about wasn't only that. Unlike he was before, Kol had that smile on his face now, as if he was completely fine and serene, while giving off very bad vibes.

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