Chapter 1

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Pipers POV


I rolled over and slammed my hand down onto my alarm clock, thank the gods it shut up! I looked at my alarm clock 7:30 Well better get up. I did my usual morning routine, shower, got dressed, did my hair, breakfast, and teeth.

Today I decided to where the outfit my mother gave me on my first quest. (If u don't know what I'm talking about then read the lost hero, it the blue dress and leggings one.) did I forget to mention that I'm a demigod? Well I am my mother is Aphrodite the goddess of beauty and love. Us Demigods just came out of a war around 3 months ago. ( not going into details sorry)

I packed all my things and walked out the door my dad already left for work he's Tristan McLean the famous actor! Every one always thinks that it would be so cool to have a superstar as your dad but it's not. He never had time for me and before I found out I was a demigod he would just send me to boarding schools to get me out of his hair.

I hoped in my car that my mum got me ( I'm not good with different cars so use your imagination for what kind it is ) I put the radio on full blast and Demons by imagine dragons came on. I don't know why but this song always reminds me of my friend Nico. it took me 'bout 15-20 minutes to get to the school I was going to. My father let me choose the school I wanted to go to this year so I choose Goode high. 1st of all it was close to camp & also because one of my best friends percy went there! I was going to surprise him 'coz he doesn't know I'm coming he thinks that I'm staying at camp year round! I can't wait to see his face!

I parked in the parking lot and got out of my (if I don't say so my self) awesome car!

I walked through the school doors and found the office. sitting behind the desk was a women she looked like she was In her late 30's or early 40's. I walked up to her and she looked up from her laptop.

"Hello dear" she says

"Hi I'm a new student"

"Ok sweaty what's your name"

"Piper McLean" she typed something into the computer, then printed out a timetable.

"Ok sweaty here's your time table and your locker number and code"

"Thank you miss..." I relized I never got her name

"Oh it's miss kay dear have a Goode day"

"I will miss Kay" with that I waved and walked back into the corridors.

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