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A/N: so i originally had written chapter 20 in Min woo's POV but after reading it through i didn't like it so much coz i didn't feel like i was getting into his head properly so i had to rewrite the whole chapter in Rebekka's POV. otherwise i would've uploaded last week....anyway enjoy..:D

*dedicated to: zaib23 for always reminding me to upload soon. knowing that you were willing to take time out to read my story convicted me to take time out of my (revison filled) schedule to write....:D.

*goodbye video from rebekka to Rona

Chapter Twenty

"Kim min woo? What in the world is he doing here?"

Immediately her eyes collided with his deep coffee brown ones she was lost. A little flutter started in her stomach as she saw his lips curving into a warm smile and she almost sighed with happiness. He looked so perfect in his black slim fit suit with a white shirt and black slim tie. He had his hands in his pocket and exuded an air of confidence but unlike josh's quite kind of confidence, min woo's was plain for everyone to see. Rebekka could see that all the guests outside the church had turned to look in his direction. She didn't know what it was but there was something about him that just drew people's attention to him wherever he went. But despite all the attention he was getting, his eyes never left hers. It was like no one was around but them. Before she knew it, her legs started moving on their own. It was like she was being pulled to him by some magnetic force that she had no control over .with every step that brought her closer to him the flutter in her stomach grew stronger and stronger. It must've taken her all but 30 seconds to get to him but to her it felt like 30 minutes. Finally when she got within a few inches of where he was standing she stopped, not knowing what to do. Was she supposed to hug him, shake hands or what? I mean before she had left Korea he had been more than nice to her and she would love to believe they had become friends at least. But she had not seen him for over a week so a lot could've changed. He could've gone back to his old self again, or could he? I mean he was here wasn't he? But what for? In the end she didn't have to do anything as he spoke first with his hands still in his pocket.

"How have you been?" his voice was calm and a serious expression took over his face as he looked at her with intense concern.

"What are you doing here?" she breathed instead, with folded arms.

"You look drained."

"And I ask you a question."

"So did I" he shot back in a serious tone. Rebekka took another deep sigh of defeat before she answered.

"Min woo please....I've had enough for one day. The last thing I want is to have a battle of the egos with you."

Returning her sigh of defeat, his shoulders dropped. His voice also sounded a little les tense when he spoke again.

"Is it possible to go somewhere and talk or are you still needed here?"

Rebekka thought about it for a few seconds before turning around to head back to her group of friends after telling him to,

"Give me a second."

Before she even got close enough to the trio Ally jumped down her throat,

"Who is he?" she scream whispered in a curious voice.

"a friend and a classmate from school." was Rebekka's simple answer. She thought if she tried to give as little information about min woo as possible then Ally would drop the subject but how wrong she was.

"A classmate who comes all the way to England to see you?" she gave Rebekka one of those "yeah right!" looks she always gave when she knew someone was lying.

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