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The ride in the private jet took all but 45 minutes and before Bekka could get comfortable enough to sleep, they were landing. Upon getting off the jet, she spotted Mun hee standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her to come down. And when her feet eventually touched the ground, she was enveloped in the biggest hug ever. Mun hee span her round one too many times that she feared she might empty her stomach of the little contents it held, thanks to the fact that she had hardly eaten anything since her flight from England.

"Mun hee if you don't want to ruin yet another expensive outfit you better put me down!" she managed to say through her giggles.

Still laughing Mun hee set her on her feet while still holding onto her to stop her from falling.

"Sorry, just missed seeing your beautiful face, that's all"

"Am pretty sure I don't look anywhere near beautiful right now after 14 hours of travelling, but I will pretend that I believe you"

As she looked up at Mun hee's face she couldn't imagine how much she missed his goofy face and harmless flirtatious banter. Especially now that his charm levels were obviously on level 10/10.

"Girl you could travel for month and you would still look nothing short of beautiful to me"

That elicited more giggles from Bekka

"Yep, I've missed you too! my ego has definitely been starving in your absence!"

Mun hee was about to say something before his phone starting vibrating. Taking it out of his pocket, he quickly checked the caller ID before answering.

"Hello....yep, I've got her with me.... don't worry she is safe and sound, am just about to deliver her to the villa now.... cool I worries bro, I got you. Alright see you later."

And with that, he ended the phone call and guided Rebekka towards a black car that she hadn't even noticed had been waiting a few meters away.

"am guessing me asking you where we are going is pointless"

"yep, because I have been instructed to say nothing in regards to why and where you are going." Mun hee finished helping the driver put Rebekka's bags in the boots before joining her in the back seat.

The car ride was not too long and soon, they were entering a set of massive brown gates that led to a long drive way at the top of which stood a massive luxurious villa. It was made mainly of brown walls and a lot of glass. Because of the late time of the day, it all the lights seemed to be turned on, giving this gorgeous house a sense of warmth and life. Not caring about her bags in the boot, Bekka got out of the car and started walking towards the house, completely in awe. But before she could reach the entrance, thee door was suddenly open to reveal a short stumpy lady who looked Filipino and wore some kind of black and white uniform and a white apron tied at her waist.

"Madam Rebekka, you are welcome" the lady that Bekka now assumed was a maid took her coat and hand bag off her should while guiding her into the bright hallway that eventually led into a wide spaced living room. On the other side of the living room was a glass wall with a door that led to the large balcony with sunbathing chairs surrounding a large swimming pool. The chairs had white cushions to match the white sofas that were also placed on the other side of the balcony. Beyond the pool, Rebekka could see the open sea spreading out into nothingness in front of her. Bringing her attention back to the living room, she noticed that the interior design was very much similar to that of min Woo's house with lots of brown and white shades being used. The sofas were a white colour with lots of brown and cream cushions, the rug in the middle where the coffee table sat was also cream in colour and a large flat screen TV adorned the wall in front of the sofas. Looking further into the house, Bekka could make out the dining area that was a continuation of the living room and a slight turn to the left revealed an open plan state of the art kitchen. She was still continuing her tour of the house when she heard an all too familiar voice,

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