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The day had come, Rebekka's hands were trembling as she looked over her reflection in the floor length mirror. She tried to calm her nerves by smothering down her short sleeved pastel blue pencil dress. A two days ago she had told Min Woo's grandfather that she would do what he wanted. After giving it a few sleepless nights, she released there was no way of getting out of this without hurting anyone, but at least she could do something to minimise that hurt as much as possible. The stocks of Illustrate &Co were dropping everyday with the scandal of their relationship. This put even more pressure on her from his grandfather to do hold the press conference. She could see that it was also having a toll on Min woo because when she had seen him last night, he had looked dreadful. He had not slept for days because he had been in the office. Seeing how much he was fighting to keep the company afloat, she realised just how much that company meant to him. She also remembered what he had told her about the number of employees whose lives would be ruined if the company went bankrupt. Min woo cared so much for those people and she didn't think she was worth all those people's lives.

She had wanted to bring up the topic of his grandfather with him but the way he had looked so happy and peaceful sleeping on her lap, she just couldn't bring herself to say anything. She had vowed that she would enjoy that day with him for the last time. Making laugh as much as possible and shower as much of her love on him as she could. She had stayed with him until he had gone to bed before leaving to come home. When she had gotten home last night, she had pretty much cried herself to sleep just at the thought that it was the last time she would spend peacefully with Min woo. She was grateful for make up because that's the only thing that made her look alive.

Even now as her reflection stared back at her, she almost lost her resolve and wanted to call of the whole thing. But she knew this had to be done. She was putting on her second ear ring when her mum knocked on the door.

"Hey mum." She turned around to face the old woman.

"Just wanted to see how you are getting on." Ms Daniels parched herself on the edge of Bekka's bed.

"Am good." Rebekka joined her.

"Darling, you know you don't have to do this right?" Ms Daniel's took her daughter's hands in hers.

"Mum, it's okay. Am okay." The smile Rebkka gave did not reach her eyes. It seemed as if she was trying to convince herself more than her mum.

"Okay. As long as you remember that you can still change your mind even at the last minute. I will support whatever decision you make. Hmm." Her mum put her a hand on her cheek.

"Thanks mum."


Min woo was having the best dream ever before he was rudely interrupted by his vibrating phone. In his dream he was standing at the alter facing the door of the church where Rebekka was about to appear any moment from now. And right there and then, she appeared at the door of the church. She was dressed in the most beautiful white gown he had seen but what was even more beautiful was the person wearing it. It was a nice summer's day which was perfect because the church was set on an island with glass windows everywhere to let the sun rays in. As the song began playing, and she made her way to him step by step, Min Woo's heart beat grew faster and faster. She was just about to put her hand in his when his stupid phone decided to go off. Whoever it was on the other end of the phone, he was going to give them a mouthful they would regret ever dialling his number. Not even bothering to open his eyes to check who it was, he swiped the receive button. Still trying to hold onto as much of his sleep as possible. Maybe that way his dream would come back once he was done with his phone call.

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