
Luke just smiled at him and took a bite of his food which turned out to be pretty spice anyway.


"Luke!," Michael yelled and threw a pillow at Luke who was buried under a blanket.

"What the fuck man," Luke groaned and stuck his head out from his cozy cocoon to see Michael half naked struggling to put on some pants.

"Need help?," Luke asked smirking and Michael lost his balance and fell face first on the ground.

"LUKE!," Michael yelled once more but Luke just continued to laugh until he cried.

"Get the fuck dressed," Michael grumbled and got up.

"Why?," Luke asked.

"It's Halloween in two fucking days and we have no costumes...?," Michael said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh right, you actually celebrate Halloween here... Aren't we too old to go trick or treating?," Luke asked yawning.

"Rule number one: You're never too old to go trick or treating!," Michael smiled wide and turned to Luke.

"And now move your cute little ass."

Luke gave him one last "wtf mate" and made his way to the bathroom.


"So what do u want to be for Halloween?," Michael asked excited. They were standing in a huge second hand store named Goodwill because they had decided they wanted to make their own Halloween costumes instead of buying one.

"I don't know.. I haven't really celebrated Halloween since kindergarten," Luke sighed.

"Oh well..," Michael sighed, "try on this!" He held up a pink dress.

"Not funny," Luke groaned.

"Why not? You could be a drag queen for Halloween," Michael grinned.

"That's not something you wear for Halloween," Luke raised his eyebrows.

"Why not..?," Michael asked and put the dress back.

"I got taught that you are supposed to look as scary as possible on Halloween?," Luke said, walking through the aisles.

"Pfff I don't care mate! Ashton is coming trick or treating with us and as far as I know he is dressing up as Winnie the Pooh," Michael grinned.

Michael and Luke decided to stick with something classy and dress as Mario and Luigi on Halloween.

So couple goals, that's what Michael said and Luke had punched him.

After the Halloween shopping they decided to go to hot topic.

Luke gasped as they entered the store.

"Omg that's HEAVEN!!," he breathed out and walked over to the band merchandise, "why don't we have those kind of shops in Germany?!"

"Because Germany sucks..?," Michael smirked.

"Excuse you?! Does this mean I suck?," Luke raised his eyebrows.

"Dick? Yeah," Michael said.

Luke pushed him.

"Okay no.. Germany sucks but German guys are pretty hot!," he smirked.

"Oh does that mean you have a kink for German guys and would fuck every German you meet?," Luke asked while looking through the shirts.

"Uh.. no.. only one special German guy," Michael smiled.

5SOS BoyXBoy Oneshots // Requests Open :)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें