The Nervous Breakdown

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S H O U T O U T S -

@diggys_UNIQUE (Thanks For The Comment)

You guys are gonna hatefully love me by the end of this chapter. 

Justice's Perspective -

I Looked at the girl staring back at me in the mirror.  I hardly recognized her, not because of her appearance but because of who I became. This was ridiculous,  I shouldn't even be going anywhere. But something pulled me out of bed this morning. I wore black ripped leggings,  and a Dr. Pepper Logo shirt. Everything felt foreign now,  Daniel kept popping in my mind.  It felt weird to be going anywhere besides somewhere with him. 

Flashes of us on the Ferris wheel whipped through my mind like a merry-go-round.  The same memory although different every time.  I closed my eyes as I could practically feel that night's air running through my veins. His cologne engulfed me and made me feel isolated.  The beeping of my phone snapped me out of my trance causing me to sigh.  With a quick glance at the caller ID,  I swiped the green Icon. 

"Hello? " His voice rang out.  I smiled softly at the carefulness in his voice.  "Hey Prod " I said.  "I know it's been a few days but-" I cut him off "Craig it's okay. Thanks for checking on me" I say playing with the ripped holes in my jeans. There was a long pause,  but it was nowhere near awkward. 

"Justice,  are you alright?  I mean honestly.  Are You Okay? " He asked sympathetically.  I bit down hard on my bottom lip and closed my eyes tight.  I smiled weakly "Yeah, I'm fine. Just Tired" I said as if it was rehearsed.  The tears were practically threatening to spill out.  "The boys said Hi" I stayed quiet.  As If he could read my mind about my next question he followed with "Me,  Ray,  and Santo" He said. 

Depression filled me again.  Princeton nor Daniel were making no effort to even talk to me.  I think I deserve some type of apology.  "Heeeey Lil' Sisteer" I heard Ray yell in the background.  I couldn't help but smile hard.  "Hey Big Brother" I said in the same tone.  I heard a car horn go off and looked outside to see Jordan.  "Guys,  I have to go.  We'll facetime tonight" I said.  After saying our goodbyes I walked down the stairs trying to build some strength to Atleast pretend to be happy, but even the call from the ones I love were hurting me bad. 

*Daniel's Perspective*

I sulked in my bed staring at the ceiling.  The TV playing,  but I paid no attention to it.  My phone sat on my headboard, but I refused to use it.  I would have to face the screensaver.  A picture does speak a thousand words.  I stared at it,  curiosity hitting me.  There wasn't a time I didn't want to call her,  but it's the aftermath that frightened me.  What if she didn't answer...  and I was the Ex-Boyfriend that left a bunch of desperate voicemails and cheesy texts?  I was willing to do anything to get her and my boys back,  but I didn't want to dig myself deeper into the hole Im in.  Tommorow is a dance practice day for us and I'm debating if I should come,  or if I was kicked out the group. 

I was broken out of my thoughts by the impact of something against my window.  I sighed and walked over to see a dark silhouette standing downstairs. I tried to look closer,  but the darkness didn't help much.  I moved to the corner of the window and pretended I wasn't home as I slipped on my Adidas.  I peeked out the window to see the person turn around and get in a car.

Without thinking twice,  I ran downstairs cautious of waking my mom and peeked out the door window.  The engine revved and Began to slowly pull off.  It was so quiet you would have never suspected it.  I walked out and hopped on one of my mom's exercise bikes.  I put my pullover over my head and began to slowly follow this car. 

Something about it screamed dangerous and suspicious,  that's why I felt the need to follow it.  Because whoever that was throwing rocks at my window knew who I was,  where I lived,  where my room was and they must have wanted something.  This car was one I had never seen which made everything more intriguing.  I don't know what I was gonna find out tonight,  but I wanted to know who the hell is throwing rocks at my window at 12:30 at night.  

*Justice's Perspective

It was now going on 12:45 and I was winning but he was on my tail.  I grabbed an eight and put my finger in the holes.  I concentrated as I put much strength into my roll.  I got seven down.  I turned around and Jordan was closer than expected.  I stuck my tongue out at him.  Within seconds of my little victory,  I watched as he swung with ease and all the pins fell and the board put the word in capital letters. 'S T R I K E' it read.  My jaw dropped and I was in awe.  He was now officially three points over me and that was the last game.  So he won.  236 to 233. "That's not fair" I said in a trance. He wrapped his arms around me and his laugh vibrated through me.  "Sore Loser" He mumbled.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we began to walk to the front doors. But what I saw was enough to stop my entire heartbeat.  Right in front of me I saw my worst enemies.  Jacob Latimore and Rachel.  Their hands were entwined and the smiles they wore were wicked.  Something happened to me that night.  My hand began to shake and I couldn't control it.  It was like I loss the nerve in my hand. I felt my entire body feel light as a feather.  I looked into his beautiful memorizing eyes I fell for, and everything I've ever loved flashed before my eyes.  I felt like I was drowning.  Drowning but watching everybody else around me breathe.  I couldn't hear Jordan's cries to know if Im okay.  I didn't know myself.  All I could look at was Jacob and his hand tangled with Rachel's. 

I could feel my heartbeat ringing throughout my veins and it was fast.  I felt the room spinning and then I suddenly felt the urge to close my eyes.  That wasn't enough for little ole me. A cold gush of wind hit me and I felt pale.  I looked at the guilty party of the opened door.  That one look at him was enough to send my body into overdrive.  I closed my eyes before I felt my body collide with the ground.  "I Love You" were the only words I remember croaking out before my memory went blank. 

Hahaha!  This chapter deserves sooo many comments. I know where Im going with this story,  but I still want to hear what you have to say.  Unfortunately OWL is ending in 5 more chapters at the most.  I'm sorry.  It's just time to come to an end pretty soon. 

Vote.  Comment.  FMOIG - @theycallherpre

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