First Day Back Part I

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My Apologies!  I Haven't Updated In So Long,  But In Thing To Make It Up To You.  I Wrote Part I of This Chapter and I'll Try And Update Part II Tommorow

Previously In One Way Love...  

 "I'm Thankful for my crew. They are the best friends I could wish for. Most importantly, I'm Thankful I met Justice" He paused squeezing my hand. I could feel him smirking, and blush appeared on my cheeks. "She's beautiful, caring, sweet, feisty,compassionate, and dangerous" Him and Ray Chuckled. "She's made my life more lively since she came. I couldn't ask for anything else" He said. 

I don't" I mumbled. "Don't what?" He asked confused. "I don't want to pretend like nothing happened after today. I may not know what I want, but I know that.. I like this. " I smiled slightly.

                *Justice's P.O.V*

I'll never forget what it was like, that night was beautiful. He told me that we could pretend it never happened if I wanted to, but it was no doubt the best night i've had in a while. It's been 3 days and today was the first day of school since Holiday break. I rolled over and looked at the spot which once held the presence of him.  I couldn't help but smile uncontrollably. I sat up and played with my hair as I brought my mind to every aspect of that night. 

The way his fingertips roamed over evey inch of my body, the way he kissed every piece of skin possible. The way he whispered sweet things in my ear. It was just all perfect.  I closed my eyes tightly as I thought about seeing him for the first time since Thanksgiving.  Yeah, he called to check on me, but I was scared to see him after that night. I shook those thoughts that have been in my head forever out, and walked to the closet.  I swished my mouth to the side while I looked through some clothes.  "Strapless Floral print dress,  Jean Mini Jacket,  and Dr.  Martens" I said aloud as I began to walk to the shower. Anxiety was getting to me.


"No! I don't want anything fancy okay?  I really don't want anything.  A Cake at the most. " I protested.  "But it's your 18th birthday.  You only get one. " He reasoned.  "I'll think about it. Let's go" I said as I threw my wrapper in the trash.  Ray and I are the only ones to be found at Taco Bell 7:40 In the morning.  "So have you talked to Prince? " he asked caution and concern evident in his voice.  " Nope" I said popping the 'p'. "Justice... " He started.  "No.  He hurt me.  I didn't deserve that. Call me stubborn but he doesn't deserve my friendship. Not after what happened to me" I said. It felt as if the vibe I had been feeling these past mornings were completely gone now.  "Okay.  you're right ma" He said as he gave me a big hug.  "I love you Ray. " I said hesitantly.  I hadn't used those words in a long time.  "I love you too J." He rubbed my back.  "But we got 5 minutes until we're late. " He said. My eyes widened and I grabbed his hand as we ran down the paved sidewalk. 

I huffed as I ran to my locker.  "See you in history Boo! " I yelled as I sloppily put in my combination. The bell rung loudly above me.  "Crap" I said as I grabbed some random books and closed my locker.  I stopped at the threshold and fixed my hair a bit and walked in calmly.  "Goodmorning Mr Caldwell. " I Said. "You're late Armono" He scorned.  "Sorry, didn't notice" I replied sarcastically.  I gave Prod a quick smile as I began to sit next to him but not before looking in the back of the room to see a smirking Diggy.  I couldn't help but smile widely as I gave him the 'sup' nod.  Out the corner of my eye,  I could see Rachel roll her eyes. She better not say one thing to me.  I thought to myself. "Since Christmas is upcoming,  it's essential that...... " I zoned out of hearing Mr. Caldwell's assignment. The boys would tell me later. 

My birthday was coming up,  and to be honest,  I didn't want to do anything, although Ray insisted on having a spectacular party. I didn't really know about it.  The last few parties I been to,  I haven't had the best of luck.  As if it was instinct,  I would occasionally look behind me to see Daniel already looking at me tapping his pencil on the desk.  Looking mischievous as always.  "We're going to this carnival after school.  Wanna come? " Prod whispered to me.  As if on cue,  the bell rung,  and I picked up my stuff.  "Who's coming? " I asked raising an eyebrow.  "The usual" he trailed off.  With a sigh I softened my features.  "It's hard to be around him Craig.  and I can't just ask you to execute him out of y'all plans for me.  I just need time...  I'll think about it" I said.  He nodded and gave me a reassuring smile.

As I began walking out,  I felt somebody grab my wrist.  Smiling already,  I turned around. "Hey" he whispered as his smile reflected mines.  "Hi. " I replied in the same tone.  "I been thinking bout you. " He said. "I get that alot" I chuckled.  He shook his head.  "I gotta get to history." I explained reluctantly.  He nodded.  "See you at lunch" He replied as he leaned closer.  I bit on my lip as butterflies ran through my stomach.  "Kay. " I whispered.  Slowly,  Our lips touched and hovered for a minute.  He pulled away and put his hand under my chin.  So many electric bolts ran through me,  he could've killed me.  I reluctantly pulled out of his grasp and walked towards the hall.  Soon as I got to History,  I saw Rachel talking to Jacob. She looked at me and then roughly kissed Princeton against the door.  "Rachel,  Mr.  Perez.  This is a place of learning.  You can kiss in detention" Ms. Robinson said.  I purposely snickered to make it evident her 'plan' failed. Pick A Fight If You want to Rachel. 


"Yeah,  I'll be there.  I have to hit up the studio first" I said to Chresanto. He nodded.  As I began walking,  I got a text message.

From: Daniel

You coming to the Festival?


Yeah,  I plan on it.  Have to work on my routine first though.

I pressed the power button as I opened the doors to the Studio. I pulled my hair in a bun as I walked into the washroom to change into a Tee and sweats.  "Hey Pretty girl" Jordan said looking me up and down.  " Sup. " I wasn't in the mood for his flirting.  "So are you gonna let me host choreography?  I asked straightforwardly.  He looked down and nodded reluctantly.  "I won't let you down" I said as I put my hand on his shoulder.  I walked over toward where people were stretching.  "Yo! " I said.  "I'm gonna do choreography from now on" I said.  There were a few happy comments and a few negative.  " I wanna win.  So things are gonna work different. So let me start by saying it's gonna be hard.  So if you don't plan on putting in work,  the door's right there." I said the room was quiet.  "The let's get started,  because Dance Battle is coming up.  We don't have time to waste."

Not My Best Work.  But Something Is Better Then Nothing Right?  Anyways,  Nothing makes me happier than your comments.  Don't think I don't read them or pay attention. They're essential to me.  ☺. Vote Please?  PS Does Anybody Like OWL new cover!?  Lemme Know. Thanks Guys.  I Love You

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