First Day Back Part II

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Thank All Of You Who Voted And Read.  It Means Alot.  So Here Is Your Part II As Promised. Only Prince and Daniel's POV's Today. 

              *Daniel's P.O.V*

"Thanks Man. " I Said as I finished cleaning off the plate. I placed the piece of glass in the dish rack along with the piece of silverware. "No problem. We all have our family problems sometimes." Santo shrugged.  "What's Sup with you and Justice though? " He smirked.  I couldn't help but smile at the sound of her name. "Nothing." I said. He stopped eating and gave me that 'Don't Lie to me' look.  "Honestly I don't know " I chucked.  "Whatever this is we have....  It works for us. I couldn't tell you what it is. It just... works" I shrugged.  He shook his head and laughed.  "Man,  I can't believe Rachel and Jacob are...  a thing" He said.  Yeah,  Prince had become pretty distant and anti social on us. He barely even showed up to practice when we needed him there. "Yeah.  Me neither,  but it was obvious she been feeling him for a while" I say.  I opened my phone to see the screen saver of my mom and I making me sigh loudly.  "Imma go make an errand. I'll meet you at the Bay. " I said.  "Aight Bro. " He replied.  I walked out Chresanto's front door,  not prepared for what may happen.

             *Prince's P.O.V.*

"Rae stop. " I said getting annoyed.  She looked at me a second before sighing loudly and rolling her eyes.  "One Day you're all over me,  then the next you don't want to be near me" She said.  "I just have a lot on my mind" I said half-heartly.  "Like What? " She asked curiously.  "Dance Battle" I lied.  Dance Battle was the least of my worries.  I miss Justice.  I miss the boys.  Prod and Ray barely look at me,  and Daniel walks right past me.  I talk to Santo sometimes but not the way we used to talk.  I feel lime I lost my boys.  I feel like everything I ever had vanished from under me because of that kiss.  Rachel's beautiful,  but I'm not feeling her like she's feeling me.  I wish things could just go back to normal.  I wish I could've never went to that Halloween dance.  "Jacob! " Rae yelled.  "What Man!? " I yelled back.  She was getting annoying I can't even be alone with my thoughts. 

"You're thinking about her aren't you? " She asked calmly.  I hate these situations.  My mom does this all the time. She acts all calm to make it seem like Im in the clear,  then once I answer truthfully,  she blows up.  "No" I said monotone.  "How did you know who I was talking about? " She raises an eyebrow.  I looked down and put my head in my hands.

"Let me take it away" She whispered seductively as she laid me on the sofa.  "Rae Stop" I said. She began to kiss me slowly.  "Let me take her away from your mind. " She whispered against my lips.  There was pure silence before I gave her an answer.  "Okay" I whispered.

                 *Diggy's P.O.V.*

I twisted the key and took the click sound as a confirmation to open the door.  The house was quiet. No T.V. No sounds.  I began to walk up the twirled staircase.  "Ma?" I called. I heard the clicking of heels before she stood at the banister and I, mid step.  "Yes? " She replied. 

"I'm sorry for disrespecting you.  What I said was not caused for. " I said sincerely.  I didn't want to apologize. I didn't feel the need to.  She did gold dig off of Dad, and No he didn't deserve that.  "What makes you think you can talk to me like that? " She asked sternly.  "When you said what you said about Justice....  Anger built in my body.  I felt the need to protect her,  I felt the need to back her up. " I said honestly. She scoffed.  "Lemme invite her to dinner.  Let you get a chance to actually meet her,  get a chance to know her. " I reasoned.  She looked at me with love.  "She'll never be good enough for you" She explained.  I couldn't help but chuckle. "Nobody ever will be to you mom.  There's nothing wrong with that.  I don't think there's anybody that'll ever be good enough for you either Ma.  But she makes me happy. So that'll have to do" I say sympathetically. 

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