"I'm Thankful For...."

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I know Thanksgiving is over (Hope You Had A Good One, And Ate alot, and enjoyed yourself ;)) but just go along with the plot sequence. :) Please Read Author Note At The End. :)

           *Justice's P.O.V*

"Listen 2 Braidz, We can't just eat all dessert. Go get some food" I stated. He poked his bottom lip out and I couldn't resist. I snatched the Oreo pie out of his hand and put it in the cart. He cheered, and I giggled. Ever since Daniel kissed me, I had been more happy and more cheerful. He was same old relentless Diggy, but I always pushed him away. Yeah.. I know you 'only live once' blah, blah. But it only takes once to feel that way again. I don't want to become the girl who has too much weight on her shoulder. Who goes into depression. Cause at the end of the day, I got priorities, responsibilities, and a mother to come home too. I can't be hurt again and go through that. I just... couldn't.

Since my mom would be working, and Ray didn't really wanna be with his dad tonight knowing he'd get drunk tonight, we decided on having our Thanksgiving together. Ray was my favorite of the whole group. Just his presence always cheered me up, and the boy always knew the hottest restaurants. you'd be surprised.

"I'm a pro at Macaroni And Cheese" He said holding up a box. I face palmed myself closing my eyes, although I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, I bet. Considering all you have to do is microwave it for 30 seconds" I retorted. He looked at me his eyes showing pure innocence. I laughed lightly. "You're officially on shopping cart duty" He wiped pretend sweat off his forehead. I shook my head, throwing a gallon of milk in the cart.

                 *Diggy's P.O.V*

"These black Friday commercials are getting on my nerves" My mom complained. The smells of Chicken, Spaghetti, Turkey and more wafted through the house. I chuckled lightly as I came down the stairs. A smile stayed on my face until I noticed my .mom was staring at me.  "You've been hanging around that girl too much" She looked up at me from stirring the tall pot. "What you mean?"

I said while leaning over the counter looking at her. "I see she has you smiling, like an idiot. But after you slept with her, you've been whipped around her finger. Now your fa-" I cut her off, not being able to listen anymore. "Mom, Justice and I didn't sleep together". I stated. '..yet' my ego added. I smiled at those dirty thoughts but mentally shook them outta my head. "She was only here that day because her mom wasn't home yet. She didn't even want to go upstairs. Or be anywhere around me." I protested. "Yeah until she saw this house we live in. Now she's all over you." She shook her head and laughed humorously. "That's What You think now Daniel. I'm telling you, I know what type of girl she is. She'll play you" She scolded. I felt anger bubble inside of me, my fist clenching. "She'll play me? Just like how you played Dad?" She looked at me fiercely. Anger, Pity, Surprise all emotions at once.

"Justice will get all my money and leave just like how you did Dad right?" I stared at her intensely. "I know this house didn't just 'Come out of the blue and say here I am.' I'm not a kid anymore, I know what's been going on". I stated. "I thought maybe there was some type of explanation, but who are you to judge when your gold digging off of the guy who 'doesn't deserved to be in our lives'.?" I yelled. Instantly I felt a hard warm sting against my face. "Don't ever talk to me like that. I raised you better than that" She said. I looked at her, disbelief in both of our eyes. "and I thought I knew you better than that" I stated. "Get out." She said . I wasn't surprised. "Right. Kick your son out on Thanksgiving. As long as you got dad's money backing you up, family is a necessity right?" I said rolling my eyes. I grabbed my coat walking out of the door, ignoring her curses

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