Tip Toe My Way Down

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               *Justice's P.O.V*

I groaned loudly as the comfort I once felt began to fade do to the annoyance. I rolled over? my body touching his once again.  My hand searched recklessly until it felt the familiarity of the current annoyance.  I opened one eye lightly, and swiped the green button.  "You better have one good of a reason to have had called me at.....  'whatever time it is' o'clock." The deep voice on the other end chuckled.  "You do realize we have school right? " My eyes popped out of my head as I became more awake. My senses became more alert and I realized I was talking to Prince,  and I was already an hour late.  "Thanks Prince,  I gotta go" I said as I laid my phone on the nightstand. I rolled over to see his big body curled in a ball.  I couldn't help but smile as I remembered how we stayed up all night talking about random things. I played with the strands of my hair as I became reminiscent of last night on the Ferris wheel. 

The goosebumps that spotted along my arms,  the adrenaline filled within my chest as his soft lips interacted with mine.  The breeze that seemed to wipe away all the worries and concerns of our everyday life. The feeling of being loved.

I shook my head as I tried to get all of those memories out my head for a minute. I outstretched my legs as my toes curled in the carpet. As I arose, the sound of my bones popping and the stretch that followed relaxed me. I walked over to the window sleepily to see my mom's black SUV in the driveway.  "Hmph" I whispered it nobody in particular. I grabbed an extra blanket that laid in my closet and draped it over his body. There was a bit of sweat through his shirt,  but I wonder what he was dreaming about. I glanced at the clock as it read 8:36 "Would he be mad if we ditched today?" I whispered as I stared at his flawless face. I had never ditched,  but by time we made it,  4 periods would have been over and the day would basically be gone.   "No" his husky voice murmured as he smiled his eyes still closed.

A smile covered my face as I threw the nearest pillow at him.  "Do you know what time it is!? " I whisper yelled trying to be angry.  "Uhh...Maybe" He snickered.  I clenched my jaw to attempt to not to smile although he didn't open his eyes yet.  "We're gonna be in big trouble and you know it" I said seriously.  He opened his eyes and I swear I could've died when his big brown eyes stared at me. They were so soft yet intimidating.  I took the moment to study his features,  a smirk appeared on my face as I realized how his face was slowly changing. "You're worth it" He said as he sat up slowly.  I couldn't help but turn my head to stop from letting him see me blush.  "So what are we gonna do? " I asked slyly staring at my hands until I knew my cheeks were back to normal. "Whatever you want" He replied.  it took me a while to fully think before I came up with it.  "Wanna practice at the studio? " I asked with hopeful eyes.  He laughed at my excitement as he wrapped me in a huge hug.  "Let's Go.  But my mom is down the hall so please be careful" I said as I grabbed my gym bag out my closet and my phone. 

As we tip toed towards the staircase,  you could hear multiple faint murmurs from across the room.  Daniel seemed unfazed.  "Hey,  keep going,  I left my phone.  Meet you outside" I whispered. He nodded and I watched as he got further down the staircase before I tiptoed closer to my moms door.. "You're so beautiful Janet" A male voice said.  The sound of my mother's giggles flooded my ears as I frowned.  "Thanks.  I just hope I get the promotion " She said skeptically.  "If this keeps happening,  you'll be C.E.O of Paradise Enterprises." The accented voice countered. "That won't be a problem" She said seductively.  The disgusting feeling in my stomach and the tears that began to well in my eyes were indescribable. I couldn't believe it..My mom slept with her boss just to get a promotion.  Promotion for what!?  Look at the house we're living in,  look at the car she drives.  I didn't even try to tip toe.  I walked down the stairs with my head held high.  No,  I didn't walk with It high for whatever dignity I had.  I held Out high to prevent the tears from falling out.

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