10. Could it be? Reunion! (Or is it?)

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Narrator POV:
After the funeral, Sasuke and everyone went home under a dull, grey sky. Everyone was sad. Sasuke tried to get some sleep since it was late, and eventually got tired of trying to fall asleep and decided to take a walk. While he was walking through the forest, he noticed a shadowy figure coming towards him. He squinted and saw a familiar face  "Could it be?"

Your POV:
I thought I was dead. I really did. But, for some reason, my eyes fluttered open and I was in the forest, a lonely looking Sasuke walking towards me. I wanted to hug him so I ran up to him and tried to, but I ended up walking right through him. "Wha...? What happened?" I exclaimed In surprise. I then looked at my hands and realized I was see through... "Creepy..." I said, accidentally offending myself. When I looked back at him, he looked like he was about to cry.

Sasuke POV:
*f/nnnnnn!!!* I called out to f/n when I realized it was her. She saw me and ran towards me as if to hug me and I ran to her, too, preparing for a lovely reunion but as I expected a hug, I felt a gust of wind go through me. I turned around to see f/n there again, looking at me. I realized that I started to cry. Tears started streaming down my face. Suddenly, *BOOM* a loud pop went off to the right of me and there was f/n. A shadowy figure that looked just like her was holding her up while she was unconscious. A large cut was on her chest where I'm guessing her heart was. The cut seems to be stitched up, though.

"...Thank you... " was merely all I could say. I picked f/n up and headed home.

~~~~The Next Day~~~~

My whole body ached... my eyes slowly but surely fluttered open and I stared up into the blank ceiling. I yawned and tried to get out of bed but failed to... my body hurting, way too much than I can bare... "Hey... don't hurt yourself... stay down..." I heard a familiar voice call out to me. "Hey!!! Sasuke!! Is it actually you?!?!? "Yea... it is... but I'm leaving. I'll see you in a couple days, ok? Be good." He said and gave me a kiss. "What?!? Where are you going?!?" I practically yelled. "It's none of your concern, now rest up" he said as I watched him walk out  the door. I could feel my eyes watering up, ready to explode.

Sasuke POV:
Apparently, yesterday... the revival of f/n came with a price. I was to go to Sakura, the person I disliked the most, and stay with her forever, to keep f/n safe. It was a sacrifice I was willing to make... for f/n's sake. But I wasn't allowed to tell her or the deal was off and she would be sucked back into the darkness an despair of death. It broke my heart to see her so confused and crying, but i have no choice... this is all for her... for the Pain of a Shattered Heart.

Welp... that was depressing. Don't worry, this isn't the end of the book. I AM continuing it, but there will be VERY SLOWWWW updates. So thanksss for reading everyone! I appreciate the support!!!

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