3. Meet with Sasuke Uchiha

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Your P.O.V:
I dropped Hinata off at her house and walked home by myself. I decided to just head home and get some rest until there was a sneeze behind a tree I walked by. With my sharp reflexes, I quickly through a kunai past the rich mahogany bark of the trunk. "Watch It!!" I heard a deep male voice scream. "Sasuke???"I yelled in reply. He then ran, sprinting through the trail of trees through the pathway. I then smirked and ran after him. I've always been faster than him so it was easy for me to catch up, but I couldn't stop my feet and I fell onto him, accidentally head butting and our lips met. I then blushed brightly and he blushed too. "You did that on purpose, didn't you f/n..."he replied slyly. "NOOOO OF COURSE NOT!!!" You replied an slapped him in the face (extreme anime style included). "Hn" he said with a smirk. You blushed, punched him playfully and started to walk away. Then, you felt a slight embrace pull you backwards. It was the Uchiha hugging you passionately. You struggled to get out of his grip and failed to. "Meet me tonight at Ichiraku for ramen. No excuses." He whispered in your ear. You pushed him off and walked back to your house.

I'm sorry it's so short! I wanted to add on to part 2 and thank you so much for reading!!!

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