"Ash is already reforming the world as we speak," Casam said.

 "And there's nothing we can do now," Stephanie continued. 

"Even we can't help now," Fleur said as Varon punched the walls, hoping to open up an exit. 

"Varon! Calm down. We've lost all that we can count on," Inarihime said when everyone noticed Liana trying to move the rocks away.

"Liana...," Alain called out. 

"I have to find a way out. United Crown!" Liana summoned the United Crown but fell to her knees immediately with tears running down her cheeks. 

"I just don't know what to do right now...," Liana said as she clenched her fist while crying. 

"Alain stood behind Liana with the United Crown in his hands. 

"You know, it was nice to know I had a bright and cheerful sister," Alain said as he places the United Crown on Liana's head and walked towards the others.

As Liana continue to sob and cry, a voice was heard all of a sudden.

 "Will you give up now, Princess Liana?" The voice asked.

 "What can I do at this point and who are you?" Liana asked when she realized she was in a wide open and empty dimension with a tall lady standing in front of her.

"I feel a strong magic pressure. Is it from you?" Liana asked as she sees a green aura radiating from her.

 She was wearing a white dress with green accents, flowing white hair and emerald eyes. "It's hard isn't being the hero all the time?" She asked with a gentle smile.

"What do you mean and who are you?!" Liana asked again when suddenly the strange lady stretched out her hand, reaching for Liana's.

 "This is all I can do for now," She said as she grabbed Liana's hand and Liana woke up from the vision she saw with glowings vines all around her.

"Liana?" Stephanie asked.

 "What's happening to her?" Kagawa asked as everyone backed off from Liana. 

Beams of light shot down at Liana, engulfing her in light

The vines grew longer and brighter and ended bursting outwards, freeing Liana and the others from being trapped underneath the Academy.

"What?! Impossible! I absorb all your magic!" Ash claimed he absorbed all their magic but surprised by the fact that Liana is standing right in front of him with a high magic pressure surrounding her. 

"You claim to be the strongest but it seems like you took some time to eventually put your plan into action. Perhaps there is someone far stronger than you," Liana said when Ash suddenly burst in anger.

"I AM THE STRONGEST AND THERE IS NOONE BETTER! I WILL REFORM THIS THREACHERED WORLD! COSMIC FINISHER!" Ash stretched out his arm and unleashed a barrage of cosmic spheres towards Liana with full force.

Liana stood silently and took the hit of Cosmic Finisher, engulfing the area around her in smoke. 


Everyone watched as Liana was blasted by Cosmic Finisher when suddenly, Liana emerged from the explosion of smoke with golden wings. 

"Erghh! Haahh!" Ash focused all his energy and changed his appearance physically and charged towards Liana with brute force. 

"HOW DARE YOU STILL STAND IN MY WAY!" Ash asked as he threw several punches towards Liana.

Liana crossed her arms, blocking Ash's punches as she unleashed a burst of light, distancing herself from Ash. 

"Radiant Blade!" Liana summoned a ring of swords made of light and immediately slash Ash down, towards the ground.

"AH! How!? This isn't possible," Ash said as he is pinned down to the ground by Liana's attack. 

"You seek power but was too greedy for it and doomed yourself," Liana said while pointing her swords at Ash.

"Urghh! I can't believe it has to come down to this. After all, I've done," Ash said as he gave up trying to free himself.

 "Are you truly done with everything? Have you given it your all? I don't want you to lose everything when you haven't given it your all," Liana asked when shackles suddenly appeared and bound Ash's hand together.

"Ahh!" Ash was shocked by the sudden appearance of the shackles when suddenly three light orbs appeared and manifested into Grandians. 

They were the Transcendents. 

"Dad!" Liana said in shocked as King Lucas, the Transcendent of Light alongside two other Transcendent appeared.

"Liana, this is your mother. Aria the Transcendent of Hope and this is Samuel the Transcendent of Time," Lucas introduced to Liana a tall slender lady in gold attire and wings and a man with glasses in a silver robe.

"Mom?!" Liana was shocked to hear that her mother was the Transcendent of Hope.

 "Hello, Liana. How have you been?" Aria asked as she hugged Liana.

 "Wait, if all three of you are here then where is the Transcendent of Life?" Liana asked as she pushes Aria away. 

"We don't know. Catherine has been missing for a total of twenty years already," Samuel said while projecting a giant clock when suddenly Claris appeared out of nowhere. 

"Claris! You came! What about the castle?" Lucas asked worriedly. 

"The castle is safe. No need to worry. I'm glad you are safe," Claris said as she hugged Liana gently.

 "By the way, Liana. How did you get all that power to break free from where we were trapped?" Alain asked out of curiosity.

"How? I had a dream. I was in a dimension, all alone when suddenly a strange lady appeared out of nowhere and said that being a hero isn't easy. She then held my hand and then I woke up, bright and full of strength," Liana explained.

 "The strange lady had white hair and she was so beautiful," Liana added before she was interrupted by Samuel. 

"Wait! A strange lady with white hair?! Only Catherine has the power to appear in someone's dream," Samuel said with a rough tone.

Everyone was still puzzled when suddenly, an emerald light shone from Claris.

 "Hah?! Claris?!" Everyone slowly backed away from the glowing light. 

Claris's hair turned white from brown, her yellow eyes turn green and her yellow dress slowly turned white with green accents. As she slowly descended back to the ground, patches of grass and beautiful flowers immediately sprouted.

"Catherine!" The Transcendents shouted. 

"Catherine? As in the Transcendent of Life?!" Liana asked in surprise.

 "Yes and I apologize for disappearing for so long. I disappeared due to Mist of Despair and it is also because I saw a vision of today,"

"Terrified, I fled from my shrine and took on a new appearance and that is as Claris. I lived the rest of my life, serving your parents until the day, your brother returned, brainwashed and killed them. I granted your parents Transcendents without revealing myself, waiting for the time that you will return and bring peace back," Claris explained with much grief but gave off a bright smile afterward.

"I'm glad you're back now," Liana said as she hugged Catherine. "Liana, give me your hand," Catherine asked as she reached out for Liana's hand. "Ok but what for?" Liana asked as she held Catherine's hand. "Grand Liberation!" Catherine closed her eyes and a strong energy burst out of Catherine and Liana, restoring the Grand Academy and all of Grandia back to its former glory.

"Woah!" Everyone was impressed by the wave of magical energy traveling around them. "It's so beautiful," Jessica said as trails of magic energy fly around her.

 "Everything has come to an end," Kagawa said as everyone gathered around and enjoyed the beautiful restoration of Grandia.

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