👼Always you👼

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☺Chapter 14☺

Dedicated to messy_twinks !! Hey beautiful , happy birthday


I feel the sofa deepen beside me and my heart beat quickens.

"What is it?" I ask in a whisper. If only I could have sounded not so desperate.

I feel a soft touch of fabric on my open palms and my eyes zeroes in on it. It is beautiful goblin-green cocktail dress, elegant with a nice not too revealing back. Well I feel it happening. Love at first sight with this dress.

"You like it?"

"Love it" I grin at his anxious face, which relaxes the very next second.

I stand up and dummies it on me, it will end up just above my knees.

"I'd love to wear this someday but hope it doesn't shows up my belly too much" I try to stick it to me to see how it goes on me. Kabir is grinning that young goofy notorious boy smile at me.

Oh boy!

"You got me this? When?"

"last week" he answers as I again touches it and marvels at its cloth quality.

"Ahem..uh actually.." Kabir catches my attention with a cough. He seems nervous as I give him my attention.

"I was wondering if we could go out..I mean you know tomorrow evening."

He says uncertain and I am puzzled.

"O...kay? Kabir just because I made dinner home tonight doesn't mean I'd not like to go out ever. We'll head out cool!" I again admire the dress in my hand.
My mind wanders to when Yash asked me if kabir asked me out yet? Did he mean as a date? What's the big deal Kabir and me have been going out a lot.

"Will you wear this dress?"

I stare at him gaping "pagal hogye ho kya, itni thand mein how will I wear this?"

I see his eyes rolling. "You will put on a jacket obviously"

"Nahi! Itni pyaari dress with a beautiful neck and back cut, I don't wanna cover it" I deliberately acts innocent.

"Marzi tumhari" he mutters and turns to switch channels on the remote.

I sigh. "Given up already?"

He glances at me side ways and I grin at him. "This dress will do for tomorrow I guess"

He grins back and just like that I'm a goner.

A thought occurs to me, "how much did it cost?"

"None of your business sweetheart" I flush at his comment. Sweetheart!!! Am I now?

"It is a gift" he says and I look at him surprised.

"What? Did u think I'll forget your birthday? I ain't that bad of a friend okay" He chides.

I smile a slow smile that grows into a wider one showcasing all my teeth to him, including the half vampire ones that I want to get rid of but am too afraid to let the dentist experiment there.

I glance up at him and he points his index fingers to the wall. My eyes follows lead and rests on the digital clock flashing 12:00 . next moment I know I'm completely crushed against him as his huge arms wraps tightly around my frame.

He comes out of the embrace clutching my shoulders shaking me lightly and cheerily wishing me "Happy birthday Aashna."

He takes me in a hug again, almost sweeping me off my feet and moving round and round till I'm squealing and laughing so much.

I hear my IPad ringing with my favourite 'Maine pyaar kiya' ringtone. It is Kukkie.

"HAPPYYYY BIRTHDATYYY DIIIII!!!! Why didn't you see my wish di I wished according to the Indian time so basically its me who wished you sabse pehle not Kabir bhai OK"

"Aye pass to mai hi hu na Aashna k, and don't worry kukkie I'll do the honors tu bol toh sahi" kabir comes to speak holding the IPad for me.

"Dii!!!! Happy wala birthday I just miss you soo much" kukkie's voice fills in.

"I miss you sooo much" kabir mouths animatedly in Kukkie's style from behind the iPad he was holding so kukkie couldn't see him. I laugh at him and blows kisses to kukkie's way.

"Thank you" I just am able go say this much as my eyes waters. Aww I miss her.

"Aww di!!! I just wanna hug you tight" I can see her eyes are twinkling.

"Well we can do that. Kabir comes close with the iPad and hugs me blanking the screen for kukkie. I miss her. I make my cry baby face.

" uh..kukkie your sister is in need of some more love" kabir says to kukkie after standing back.

"How about a kiss?" Kukkie's voice is full on dramatic and naughty.

"Gladly" kabir winks and moves the iPad to my cheeks. I chuckle wiping the corner of my eyes as kukkie makes a noisy kissing sound of mwuaah.

When I can see kukkie again I blows kisses at her and like a mantra but with more expressions I chants 'I love you's' .

Beside me Kabir starts delivering my msgs animated to kukkie behind my back and I glare at him. These two are crazy against me. I smile.

I sit on the sofa and kabir signals me that he is in his room. I'm glad for the alone time with my family. Kukkie goes downstairs with her cell and on her way I'm able to catch some glimpses of our room and my home back in India.

"Kya halat bna rakhi hai room ki" I chids kukkie as she heads downstairs. I feel homesick, but nostalgia overpowers every other emotion.

"Mumma papa abhi tak jaag rahe hai?"

I wonder aloud as it must be 4 or something in India.

"Nahi they are sleeping, par Shaifali and Ronit are here. Maasi bhi jaag rahi hai, we were playing cards." She let's me know and I smile at her. Ronit and Shaifali are my cousins from whom I Haven't heard in a long time.

They wish me all types of good lucks and maasi blesses me. I am amused as they still keep up with the tradition of late night hanging out and playing cards over cold drinks in summers, or wrapped up in quilts with coffee in winters.

My heart swells up for they stayed up just because of me. It must be kukkie's idea. When she is back in her room she asks me what did kabir gift me and I show her the stunning dress. Her eyes are shining in appreciation as she gives me a thumbs up and then yawns. I smile fondly at her and waves a quick goodbye. Because with kukkie we can go on and on, but my little sister needs a beauty sleep too.

I opens the door to Kabir's room and find him sprawled on the bed carelessly. I shook my head and gently taps him to go sleep in a proper position. Of course he had a long day, I can clearly see his weary self.

He doesn't budge so I leave him to his careless slumber. Poor 'best friend and more' needs his beauty sleep too.

I whirls around on the way to my room hugging the dress and blushing all too brightly and freely now without Kabir's piercing gazes.

"Happy birthday to me!"


Next morning when I wake up I find Kabir standing looming over me. I'm suddenly conscious of my morning face and messy hairs as I hear the click.

"What the fudge! Are you clicking my photos Kabir?" I croak in my just woken up voice and for once he stops and stares at me and I clear my vision wiping away the sleep from my eyes.

"Go brush"

I lean back sleepily covering myself from the quilt again but he pulls it off from me. "Wake up birthday girl"

I grumbles and clamber out of the bed and heads to the washroom.

When I walk out fresh from the warm shower, I'm wearing my bathing robe so I run towards my room hastily. I had forgotten to take my clothes. I open my cupboard and choose on my favourite jeans and a full sleeved cut shoulder top.

I brushes my hairs,highlights my eyebrows and quickly sprays some water splash wondering where is Kabir.

When I walk in the hall, loud cheers break, there's a sound of a boom and I'm covered in rose petals and golden glittered thermocol balls. I can see lots of balloons covering the floor. Before I can take more view in, I'm attacked by the Lily special hug.but this one was the tightest among she has given me ever. Special treatment on birthdays I guess. I wish for my ribs to stay alive. She hold on to me and like a rag doll lifts me left and right as I rise a little on my toes.

Next peter and Vladimir wishes me and I take in my surroundings. Kabir in his white tucked out shirt and denim blue jeans. He looks good as though its his birthday not mine.

He walks and hugs me and I glare at him from earlier today.

"Why were you taking my pictures?"

"Not now!"

"Listen just let me delete them" I try convincing him but he doesn't budge and with Lily around its impossible to be in low spirits , even with Kabir malhotra breathing in my throat.

The afternoon slips away in cutting cakes and playing games, its an Indian Ludo called 'Chopad' that I teach them all.

"that's Aang, bang, chauk Chang" I laugh at Vladimir as he speaks in his broken accent.

Oh! I've missed playing this game a lot from my childhood. So the evening hovers happy as we gossip over with snacks over the table.

When they leave I stare at Kabir, he has been unusually quite after the game.

I cock my eyebrows up at him.

"Get ready we're gonna kill our first date" he winks at me and storms off the room into his door.


Where is this coming from!

I shake my head at him for being smart at all times. But something's he jokes about since a few days makes me think too much into his words.

I head to my room, thinking of the pretty dress he got me. Well I'm going to look good for him in it, curtsey to him for presenting me with it.

Wow! I look stunning!

"You look stunning!" He speaks from behind me. Does he have mind reading skills?

I bite my lip and meet with his spell gaze through the mirror.

He drops his gaze to my back and I realize its not too revealing but still revealing. So I put on a coat around me.

"Ready!" I beam at him and he grants me with a shy smile. Man he looks so handsome in his leather jacket, worn out over a white tee which sticks to his front and paired up with jimmy choo shoes. Now I'm just staring at his shoes as he walks ahead holding the door for me.

"Will you let me wear these?" I chew on my lips as he locks the house door.

He just chuckles.

Damn its cold. I clutch the jacket tight around me until we are in his car and he turns on the heat.

After forty minutes we are in a que for the entry towards the night city kayaking tour.

I can't believe this was his idea! Its so thrillingly beautiful out here.

I can see couples excited and older man with their circle, dressed in proper suits sitting as the line reduces with each waiting pair getting off. They are moving so tediously, I can't wait to be there on water. Kabir's expressions matches mine as we both take in the sight of beautiful night boats.

The winds are amazing, the city lights are shining and reflecting in the water.

"Have you done this before?"

He asks me.

"No!" I regards him with a mad grin, god I feel like a kid with all the excitement.

"I haven't. Thank you so much Kabir"

He pulls me close as we make our way stepping down, waiting for our boat and rafters. We are in a narrow wooden plank made out surface leading us to the boat. It is limited by the ropes around us and I look up at him, looking adorable from the down way look and Mr. Tall, handsome and sexy on the face and posture.

We 're Kayaking in few minutes. As we push the boat off info the water suspended, the building up mood exhilarating my senses.

Kabir guides me to move the blades on our both sides. Soon we are floating away from the main port, moving towards the big O'conell bridge, its iron pillars deep in the water and the arch way is gorgeous!

The city lights glimmer on the water surface and its so peaceful as we are now below the Archway.

Its dark below the bridge except the LED light adorning the base of our boat

He stops rotating the blades and I follows his lead. The board is all surrendered to the water current in the river. This sure is river of life, the gentle waters of the river Liffey flows beneath us.

"This is the best thing to do here at this time. The kayaking is peaceful and you see that?" He says and points to many LED lights all visible in a straight line, somewhere blue, somewhere green , red and even yellow pink and all sorts of the lights. The cool sheath that's below us is mesmerising as it mirrors those lights far away.

"That's where we set off"

I stare at him and my eyes go back to the spectacular sight.

"Woah! We've come this far?"

"Yeah, nothing better than paddling underneath these bridges, it gives you an unique angle to see the landmark at the city centre." I'm so I awe of him as he speaks, like an experienced tour guide. He raises his camera to take a shot

I drink in the breathtaking view, feeling his gaze at me. I clutch my jacket tight due to cold and he shifts closer to me. I take a risk of meeting his eyes and once mine met his, its impossible to take away my eyes, he is staring at me so intensely. My heart picks up pace.

" we've indeed come this far Aashna" he whispers and I shudder.

"The thing is whether you'd like to take this more far?"

I'm captive hold of his stare, what did he mean? Why am I having the idea he is talking something in disguise to talk something else.


I ask and release my hands from the jacket, rubbing my palm together as I blows into them.

He stares and I glance at him quizzically.

"Uh...do you want to move further, we can have a tour among those flowers and that..you see this canal? Lets paddle there."

I clutch his wrists and I'm surprise as we kayak to the flower beds floating above the water.

" wow"

"You like the view?"

"Yes. Thank you Kabir! I love it....its so beautiful."

I marvel at the view, now we are more far way into the colorful flowers and city canals.

"You have no idea how very beautiful you look Aashna." He mutters slowly and I control my breathing with my mouth slightly open. He clicks a picture of mine.

"Happy Birthday!"

He whispers and gives me a hug. Oh right now I'd give anything to be in his warm hug. Its freezing in here.

"Thanks" I smile a shy one at him and he grins up at me and holds so close.

"This will help keeping us warm" he Chucks two bottles of beerluck.

I grab it gladly, taking it in a big gulp and twists my mouth as the liquid adjusts to my drying throat.

We are in a middle of flower beds on water, under a bridge, enjoying over a Dublin's most magnificent faces which unfolds only at night.

I glance at Kabir who seems lost.

Now why does he look so nervous? He takes a few sips and holds my hand.

I feel it, a static charge coursing through me.His thumb is grazing over my knuckles and there is this cute frown sitting over his head, as if he is trying to focus on something.

"Kabir? What's up?" I ask him gently. His eyes collide with me, a strange passion visible in his eyes, a passion I've only seen in his eyes when he talks about photography.

"You" he whispers so low that I hear it faint, but it takes time to dawn on me and when it does, I feel my heart stop altogether and restart into an overdrive.


"Always you" 


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Its time to get them together! How many excited ??
Tell me in the comments below how you did you find the update and what do you think gonna happen next?

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See you in next update.

Love always,

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