👼Empty Sunday👼

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☺Chapter 13.☺

Dedicated to yashon9 for being a lovely friend and an amazing brother to me. Count it as a B'lated b'day gift❤


"Do ye' realize dear, that ye're falling in love with Kabir?"

I stare blankly at Lily, who's eyes are wide and happy. Love? I scoff. Its too novelistic.

"I do like him Lily, maybe like that way but Love? I dunno" I frown at her.

"I knew it!" Kukkie squeals from the screen of my iPad. She is grinning wide and clapping her hands dreamily in glee. I roll my eyes at her.

Okay I've shared my doubts with Kabir and it has gone awkward between us. I've told Lily and she comes up with all that Love stuff and now Kukkie's excitement is reeling my thoughts.

I need space to think it all through.

Lily and I wave goodbye to kukkie, her lunch break is over and she's off. She seems good and controlled. Happy even. So someone has got past her relationship. And as for me I'm stepping in a mess. Its not a bad mess but still a mess.

"I'll be out , ye sure ye don't wanna come with me?" Lily breaks my chain of thoughts and I nod in a no.

"I'll be fine home"

"Alright. Ye take care, laters baby." She hugs me fondly and I'm finding if hard to not frown. Its a habit to do when I'm concentrating hard on something.

She leaves in her Land-Rover, its exquisite. That distracts me. Cars do.

Maybe I should take Kabir's car on a drive? I start for the door but then remembers its still with Peter. I can't afford to ride that bike all by myself so I shut the door, feeling the loss of cold winds immediately as I walk back in the warm hallway.

Kabir's gone to nearby town for a shoot. For god's sake its Sunday and he is on work means I'll have to spend the day alone. What should I do?

I walk idly admiring my manicured nails. My eyes catch sight of Kabir's room, curiosity getting the better of me and taking my feet forward. I've never been there. I open the door slightly then again close it.

Damn I'm trespassing! But then I shake away the thought and open the door wide. Same wood flooring welcomes me as is in the whole apartment. The walls of his room are bluish white with one dark sea blue behind the medium sized bed. The bedsheets are homely and full of kinks. I smoothen it shaking my head at him as my eyes wander to the mirror table. His boxers are laying half over the chair and half on ground, about to fall. His closet doesn't have so much of clothes, he definitely isn't into fashion, but still manages to look handsome in those simple black tees and ripped jeans.

I spot his hair gel and whiffs it, its strong and smells of soap. I close it feeling heady and turns around to find two more doors, one leading to his shower room and the other to the balcony.

"Woah"! The balcony view is beautifully. Overlooking the greenery lining the streets as cars zoom swiftly. The serenity of the River Liffey flowing slow and polished.

I take a seat on the bamboo swing chair, sinking in the comfort of the cushion.

The February breezes are cool on my skin, I shudder and holds my hand together glancing at the flowers. They are so pretty and colorful. So he's fond of flowers and before I know it I'm smiling.

There got to be something wrong with me. My every thought is wrapped around him and him. Why doesn't he leave my mind for a minute.

But then I don't want him to. He has left for a day and see how boring it is? I don't know what to do without him here. Its the first empty feels I'm getting, its not like I haven't lived without him last few months. I have managed pretty well.

Somewhere in back of my mind I know I've missed him so much living there. But at least Yash was there.

I smile wide at the thought of Yash. I've been so busy I hadn't even talked to him after the day he complained me about Kabir flirting with him from my cell. I chuckle.

I decide to text him.

I : hey padosi :) zinda ho?

I fold my legs up on the swing, hugging my knees. It is cold but I'm liking sitting here. As my eyes follow the flight of a few birds flying in a V chain discipline my phone buzzes beside me.

Yash : did you say yes? What's happening? When is the marriage :P

I frown as I type.

I: what the hell are you talking about?


Yash: didn't he ask you out still?

I: who?

I whisper as I type and chew on my lips. What is going on?

Yash: Kabir! Aur kaun. I thought ab tak to you guys have even produced kids. Aren't you guys so fast :P

Woah! Kids! Damn him. What is he on about? I can imagine him laughing hard. Stupid tease.

I: enlighten me? Why would Kabir ask me out?

My heart dips as I wait for his messege. Another one is from Kukkie saying it's Valentines week. Hah! I roll my eyes at her.


Yash: oh you don't know anything?

I: 😬😡😡😡😒🙅🙅🙇 kya hai seedhe seedhe kaho na.

Yash: haha 😝 can't you see it yourself? Kabir likes you. Okay will catch up soon bbye.

I am holding my phone, reading and rereading Yash's last msg. Kabir likes you. Kabir likes me? I feel goose bumps and I dunno if its the cold or the effect of Kabir.

I sit and stare at the screen until it locks and goes off. Was yash just joking? My stomach suddenly makes me feel uneasy.

I: joke better next time.bye.

What should I feel? What if he really likes me? Flashes of him and me strolls a slow walk in my mind from whence I met him till yesterday in his studio.

He has been a great friend.

I feel my cheeks warm as I remember his cabin from yesterday. He has kept my hand right there, on his heart and had showed me what I do to him.

Friends don't do that. I mean people who're only friends don't do that.

What are we then?

"More?" I whisper to myself staring at the the clear blue sky and sun overhead playing hide and seek with the land.

What do I do next? How do I face him, be around him, look at him in the eyes knowing that he thinks of me that way?

Well he knows I'm slightly affected, okay maybe extremely affected by him, he still smile and talk and understands me.

Will I be able to treat him the same. To be around him the same way he is, knowing what he feels, what I do to his heart beats? Will I be shying away or blushing like what goes in those Rom Com movies and novels?

My phone buzzes and I'm pulled out of my thoughts. Its a text from Kabir informing me he'll be home by 7 and we'll go out for dinner.

I send him a OK.

I'm surprised as I check the time. It's 3:45. I've spent the all the noontime sitting here? It has been this long? - the concept of time has deserted me.

I head back inside his room closing the door behind me. His room is warm and I rub my palms along my arms to warm my cold skin.

I've skipped lunch already and as I head to the kitchen, I frown at the clock. Lily left at 10 and I've been out this long? God! I haven't taken a bath even!

I roll the cap out and take few gulps of water, instantly and effectively relaxing my dry throat.

I don't feel like eating so I decide on drinking Hot Chocolate.

After 5 I'm finished with the book I've been reading since few days. Called 'The Clock', It was gifted by one of my students back in Pune. Now I love it so much among Agatha's works.

I carry my empty cup back to the kitchen and choose some music to play.

Gabrielle Alpin's voice swoons low with melodious soft music as she sings 'Home'

Still two hours for him to come. Why is it so boring without him?

I check for supplies in the fridge and then I'm famished. So I take out some soup packets, veggies for special 'Bombay potatoes', lemon rice and baha sauce I was going to cook.

I set to work enjoying to the song playing on loop. After an hour I'm half done so I start on some fruit muffins and put them in for a good bake. I'm not that good of a cook but cooking is mighty fine to kill the time. I take in the rich aroma of lemons and spice and keep the lid on to keep it warm.

Half an hour for him to come.

I set the table, dims some lights to make it all little smooth setting. I guess some candles will do? Nahi! Its not a romantic date! I shake my head, scrolling on my phone and glancing at the door. I know he is going to come at 7 but he can be early!

Why am I counting minutes so much. They will only seem to tick agonisingly slow.

I put the music on selecting at 'No Promises'. Now singing in his silken voice is Shayne wards, his words flowing smooth and suiting the setting of the hall and dining area.

Gazing for the last time to the door I move to fresh up or maybe a warm shower will do. My hairs need a wash!

After a relaxing shower I'm looking forward to seeing Kabir. I dabs some talcum on my neck and check the time on my mobile. Kabir must be home, it's been 20 minutes I've been in the shower. I quickly change into a comfortable top and pajama bottoms, dry my hairs and puts on a warm sweater.

As I open the door I hear the faint sound of ringing and I instantly know Kabir would be in the mini temple for the evening prayer.

I feel him before I see him, it's as if my whole body is highly attuned to his presence. It relaxes and ignites at the same time- a weird internal duality- and I sense that strange pulsing electricity.

I join him quietly, joining my hands together and keeping my eyes at his closed ones.

We offer our prayers and I ask to god, that whatever it is ....this new strange emotion coursing through me, please bless us and make it easy.

But I've read when was love easy? Is this even love? Well whatever it is , just provide us with some time and guts to delve into it.



I open my eyes to find Aashna still praying. I wonder what would she be wanting today? I stand up to fold my mat and she follows suit.


I whisper to her and gets a warm smile that goes right through my heart, waking it up for a work out. She just smiles and whole of me lights up.

"Hi Kabir" my name from her mouth, it's different in a good way, stirring happiness inside me.

"I thought we were going out for dinner" I raise my eyes at her, again breathing in the delicious smell of something sour and tasty mixed with that of baking.

She stares down, looking flushed to be honest. "I felt like staying, well I ain't that bad in cooking"

Oh the small complaining pout she gives, I am suddenly reminded of Kukkie. Alike all other things like chewing on lips, biting nails and narrowing eyes, pouting like that is the common trait in Mathur sisters.

She plays the song 'phir kabhi' from the movie 'M.S. Dhoni'

"We'll analyse your culinary skills after some minutes Ms. Mathur" I wink at her and leaves the hall, walking towards my room. As I walk I find the door ajar and turn around to look at her. She is running her fingers from her half dried hairs. I have this feeling she've been in my room. I smile and walk into my cupboard, checking with a little dread if she'd found out about my surprise?

Well No. Its still neatly packed , all new and ready for her. I bite on my lips hoping she would really like it.

"So how was your day?" I ask her as we are having dinner. Without TV. I glance longingly to the flat screen but i don't have the heart to turn down the mood and the setting she has done for the evening. It feels special, cozy and even romantic to some extent.

"Boring, I..uh..just hanged out in your room's balcony" she admits sheepishly. I nods at her with a smile.

"Its okay. You like the view?" I was interested.

"Uh hunh! I was there for nearly four and a half hour" she again isn't meeting my eyes. My eyebrows cocks up at this revelation.

"Really? That interesting haan?"

She flushes under my gaze and I bite in the delicious Bombay Aloo she has made.

The tastes bursts on my tongue as I sit back resting my back and relish on the dinner.

"You're good"

"Thanks" she says with a shy smile. "Told you"

We move to the sofa in the hall, softly munching on the fresh fruity cupcakes.

Next hour we're watching trailers and chatting comfortably. I'm elated to make her laugh as I tell her about my day in a town where I was to shoot the fishing campaign.

She is laughing and it seems like a perfect time to ask her.

"I'll just be back ok" I smile at her before rushing to my room.

I can see anticipation in her eyes as I walk back to her.

"Close your eyes"

"Why?" She widens it and I laugh at her.

"Just do it"

She narrows her eyes trying to peek what am I hiding behind me.

"Close your eyes Aashna. Woh bhi mai kru?" I roll my eyes at her and she scowls in a mock fashion and closes her eyes.

I sit beside her and hear her take in a full gulp of air.

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Without Kabir It sure gets boring isn't it?

So what's Kabir got for her?
Vote and comment, scroll up to find out! Yeah its a double update!! 😎 you guys can say thanks to me 😉😂

Let me know who else listens to 'Home' ! I'm in love with the song😍😍

Love always,

||~~The Brewer's Girl~~|| Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt