Chapter 8

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The week had not been kind to Arnold.

He had just come back from the funeral for his classmate Phoebe, and he was beginning to wonder if there was some sort of curse on his fourth grade class. Not only was Phoebe dead, but both Lila and Helga had gone missing. There was something ominous going on; he could sense it.

As he ascended the steps of the boarding house and opened the door to let the other tenants' pets rush in, Abner stopped at his feet. He had something in his mouth and was snorting excitedly, eager to show it off.

Arnold smiled faintly. "What is it, boy? Find something good?" He bent down to retrieve the item from the pig's grip. Realization at what he was now holding in his hand hit him immediately, and he went stone-faced.

It was Helga's hair ribbon.

Arnold looked at his pet pig with fresh eyes. "Where did you find this?" Abner responded by running around in circles and "barking".

"Hang on - I've gotta go change," he said as he raced through the doors and upstairs toward his room so he could change out of the suit he wore for the funeral.


It was both a foreboding and ethereal view from atop the city water tower. Hundreds of pink ribbons danced like banners in the wind, all coming from the same source: a catatonic Helga, sitting cross-legged at the very top. There she remained, surveying the cityscape of Hillwood with unblinking eyes.

A solitary cloud slowly descended until it hovered directly underneath Helga.

Helga smirked. "Come to try your luck again?"

The cloud dissipated, revealing Gloria, the Bo Peep Puella Magi. She dropped onto the roof of the water tower, beside Helga. "This ends NOW."

"In case you haven't noticed, Sheep Girl: I'm apparently invincible. So why don't you take your Merry Lil' self and go back to-"

"No!" Gloria responded angrily. "You are not invincible...something's gone wrong. It's gone terribly, terribly wrong.'ve cheated the system. You can't even change back since the labyrinth, can you?"

Helga glowered.

"I know you must be suffering, Helga. So let me help you. Give me your locket."

Helga stood up, challenging Gloria. "Over my dead body."

"Well, that's kinda the idea..."

Gloria gut-checked Helga, then swept her legs so that she toppled off of the water tower. Helga saved herself, of course, by using her ribbons to slow down her fall, and she made her hasty retreat. But Gloria wouldn't let her escape so easily; as Helga tried to swing away, she summoned a barrage of sheep that went directly for Helga's ribbons. The sheep ate through the ribbon and Helga plummeted hard and fast onto the roof of a low-rise apartment.

As Gloria approached her, Helga became enraged. "Why do you have it out for me? For the last time, leave me ALONE!"

As Helga yelled, the ribbons from her costume wrapped around Gloria, binding her where she stood. She walked over to Gloria, who squirmed in the ribbons but could not get free. She pulled out her weapon, the bow and arrow, and aimed it directly at the girl's temple, preparing to release...

She sensed the presence of someone else on the roof. She turned around, pointing her weapon, then gasped.


With the help of Abner, Arnold was able to track down Helga; in fact, he had witnessed her fleeing from Gloria and had made his way to the roof of the building they were now occupying. Arnold was still gripping Helga's hair ribbon in his hand.

Helga Makes A Contract With Kyubey | Hey Arnold x Madoka Magica Crossover FanficWhere stories live. Discover now