Chapter 5

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Lila and Gloria focused their attention upon their new enemy: a witch that had unexpectedly trapped them into a labyrinth.

They were surrounded from all sides by mirrors, and in the majority of mirrors all they could see was a reflection of themselves. However, occasionally a fast-moving figure would flicker by, indicating that there was something sinister lurking beneath the glass.

"Well...come on, show yourself!" challenged Lila, gripping her scythe tightly and waiting for an attack.

The attack came. The figure – a black being in a white dress – leapt from one of the mirrors and went straight for Lila. Lila sliced at the creature, cleaving it in two, but ultimately not destroying it, and the two halves disappeared down a winding corridor that suddenly appeared. Lila followed in pursuit.

Gloria opted to stay put, thankful that Lila was momentarily distracted. She inspected her surroundings to get her bearings; unaware of what was happening behind her back. A shapeless, vapour-like mass passed out of the corpse of Helga and danced in the air.

"Arnold...." it sighed, as it made its way to the locket on the ground, attracted to it like a moth to a flame. When it made contact, the locket began to glow and vibrate pink. It then levitated in the air, hovering until it rested upon Helga's body. Gloria turned around just in time to see the ribbons re-forming around as her Puella Magi costume. Very slowly, Helga sat up, as though she were waking up from a deep nap.

Gloria stared on in utter shock. "Impossible..."

As she was still coming to terms with this unexpected change of events, the environment abruptly changed; walls of mirrors erupted from the floor, separating Gloria from the newly-revived Helga.

"Dammit..." she swore under her breath, and darted down the just-made corridor, no clue where she would end up.

Meanwhile, Helga was slowly getting back to her feet. Disoriented, she stumbled about almost drunkenly, down a narrow, winding hall full of mirrors. She hugged the walls as she progressed, her feet sliding across the floor instead of actually walking. Her locket was affixed to the centre of her chest, and was still glowing pink.

She eventually walked by a mirror that didn't show her reflection, but rather played a scene like a television screen. Helga paused to take in the images.

Inside this particular mirror, a scene was playing out involving a young girl in a rainbow shirt, with brown pigtails and buckteeth. She was in the auditorium at P.S. 118, watching the tryouts for the Romeo and Juliet play. The girl sighed wistfully as she watched the other students audition for parts in the play.

When tryouts were over and everyone was filing out, the girl approached one of the teachers.

"Excuse me...Mr. Simmons?" she called out. A bald teacher in a green sweater stopped.

"Hello, Marcy, what can I do for you?"

"Well...I was wondering if you could find a way to get me a part in this year's school play?" as she asked, Marcy played with her pigtails and looked at Mr. Simmons hopefully.

Mr. Simmons frowned. "I'm sorry, Marcy, but the play is generally only conducted by fourth graders..."

"Don't you think I know that?" Marcy blurted out, surprising the fourth grade teacher. "It's not my fault I got held back – third grade is really hard! Please Mr. Simmons, Romeo and Juliet is one of my all-time favorite stories. You gotta let me have a part, I'm begging you!"

"I'd really love to, Marcy – you know I would. You're an amazing talent and you have such a special knack for acting. But those are the rules: only fourth graders can do the production. Don't worry; you'll pass next year, and I'm sure you'll get the lead part in whatever play they decide to put on."

Helga Makes A Contract With Kyubey | Hey Arnold x Madoka Magica Crossover FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя