Chapter 7

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Helga swung through the night cityscape like SpiderMan, opting to use the ribbons from her costume to travel instead of her tiny wings. She didn't have a plan for where she intended to go, but when her locket unexpectedly began to glow again, she found herself in front of Phoebe's home.

Helga snuck in through the window leading to Phoebe's bedroom. When she entered, the room was dark; the sun had long since set, and with the lights off it had made the area pitch black and difficult to see.

Helga assumed Phoebe was asleep. "Phoebe..." she whispered. No reply. "Phoebe, are you in here? Wake up! I need to talk to you...!"

She walked to the other side of the room. Just as she was about to flick the lightswitch on, an icy sense of dread rippled down her spine, causing her to shiver. Something told her whatever she was about to witness wasn't going to be pretty.

Helga flicked the switch.

Almost immediately, Helga was bombarded with images of Gerald plastered all over the walls and ceiling. The floor was completely littered with sheets of paper. At a glance they looked to be scribbled with words. Helga picked up a sheet of paper – it was a love letter? She picked another one up; this time it was love poem with Gerald as the subject matter. Helga got on her hands and knees and rummaged through the paper, counting every written lovesick diatribe she stumbled upon. Since when was Phoebe so enamoured with tall hair boy?

One sheet stood out from the others. It lay crumpled in the centre of the room, written in red ink as opposed to the others that were scrawled with black pencil. Upon closer inspection, and to Helga's horror, she discovered that the letter was not written in ink, but in blood.

I can't take this anymore. Gerald, why won't you love me? Without you life is meaningless..

Helga's blood ran cold. This was a suicide letter.

"Phoebe...?" Helga heard a noise, the slight sound of creaking, coming from the closet. Slowly, she walked in the direction of the noise, and as she did, the locket at her chest became to glow with increased intensity. She slid the closet door open.

At the very same time, Reba Heyerdaul, Phoebe's mother, had opened the door to the bedroom. Both woman and girl simultaneously became witness to the same gruesome sight: Phoebe's lifeless body hanging by a makeshift noose she crafted out of her bedsheets.

Mrs. Heyerdaul screamed, alerting Helga of her presence. Helga turned around, overcome with devastation and not sure how to react.

"What did you do to my baby?!" Mrs. Hyererdaul screamed.

"I didn't do it, I swear!" Helga cried, backing her self against the wall.

The scream had also gotten the attention of Phoebe's father, Kyo, who ran into the room in an alarmed state. "What's going on here?" he said, then regarded his daughter. ""

As Mr. Heyerdaul ran over to cut his daughter's body down, Reba fainted to the floor. Neither parent attempted to pursue her, as  Reba was unconscious and Kyo was too busy cradling Phoebe in his arms and sobbing.

Helga ran from the house like a bat out of Hell. When she reached a secluded alley, she turned into it and finally broke down after the shock subsided.

Her friend was dead. Phoebe was dead.

As she sobbed, the glowing of Helga's locket became intense again, to the point where Helga nearly buckled to the ground. She still didn't know what was happening, but deep down in her heart and soul,  she felt that she WAS responsible for what happened to her best friend.

Lila sat alone on the edge of the roof of some nondescript building downtown. She was overlooking the city when two girls approached: one was a black girl wearing a tube top dress and holding a pugil stick, the other was a brunette wearing a magenta-coloured angular haute-couture outfit.

"Well, well, well," said the brunette. "What do we have hear? Looks like someone stumbled into the wrong neighbourhood, Cookie."

Pop! The other girl chomped on her chewing gum.

Lila said nothing, and did not even turn to acknowledge the girls, which annoyed the brunette.

"Excuse me? Hey Red – I'm talking to you!"

"I know," replied Lila, succinctly, still refusing to move from her sitting position.

The brunette became indignant. "Do you know who I am?"

"Of course I do. You're Simone. The girl that's with you, her name is Cookie. I know all about you two."

"Then I guess you know why this is not your lucky day. Any last words? Final requests?"

"Last words? Sure. I've got several," responded Lila. "But I'm not going to waste my breath sharing them with you. As for final requests...I've already had them denied, several times over. But it's alright. I have no regrets. That's more than what can be said for you."

Simone glowered. "You bore me. Cookie! Take care of her." Simone stormed away, off of the roof. Cookie, brandishing her pugil stick, then proceeded to repeatedly bash Lila with it. Lila offered no resistance as she was literally pummeled to death.

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