Chapter 2

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Fire was baring down on Phoebe from all four sides. She was trapped in the burning building, desperately trying to locate her parents.

"Mother?" she called out. "Father – where are you?"

In the distance, amid the smoke, Phoebe could make out a figure. She ran toward the movement as was face-to-face with her best friend Helga, wrapped from the neck down in pink ribbons. She was carrying her mother over her shoulder.

Before she could react, she was turned around by Lila, who was decked out in a dress inspired by the falling leaves of autumn. She had her father in the same position over her shoulder. "Come on, we haven't got a lot of time."

The crowd gasped as the building collapsed before their eyes. Kyo and Reba Heyerdahl were unconscious, but otherwise unharmed, and were left to rest in an area several yards away from the blaze. Phoebe, however, was left to deal with the media on her own, as she emerged from the side of the flaming wreck, soot-covered and in shock.

"Are you alright? How did you survive the flames? Where are your mother and father?" the reporters descended upon her like rabid dogs.

Phoebe looked about in confusion until her eyes linked on one person in particular in the crowd: Gerald. As soon as she saw him, she embraced him with all her might. Gerald was taken aback, but hugged the stricken girl as cameras rolled around them.

Meanwhile, Lila and Helga convened on a rooftop, several yards away from the fire.

"Whoa...that was a rush," exclaimed Helga.

"I know, right?" responded a grinning Lila.

Both were panting heavily, Lila from exhilaration, Helga from exhaustion. When Lila finally caught her breath, she stood up and outstretched her hand. "Change back for a second. Hand me your gem."

Helga obeyed and reverted back to her civilian clothes; she laid the egg-shaped soul gem in the palm of the redhead's hand. Lila fished through her pocket and pulled out a small, black object, resembling a needle with a tiny, egg-shaped protrusion. Helga watched as Lila brought her hand close together, and the black needle-like object absorbed the darkness from her soul gem. When Lila handed it back to Helga, she noticed its pink light glowed with a more brilliant lustre.

"Whoa...what is that?" remarked Helga wide-eyed.

Lila met Helga's eyes and smirked coyly. "Don't worry about it."

She tossed the black item over her shoulder to a white creature that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. The creature's back opened and the item appeared within its body. Then it scurried away.

"I've got you covered, as long as you got my back," quipped Lila with a wink.

Helga smiled faintly, then devoted her attention back to her soul gem. "Lila...what did you wish for to get these powers?"

"I asked for Kyubey to bring my mother back to life."

"Kyubey? You mean, that white cat-looking thing?"

"Yeah...that was an ever-so pointless mistake," she said, affecting her "perfect girl" persona that seemed less and less like the authentic Lila. She looked at Helga earnestly. "What did you wish for?"

Helga turned bright red and looked way. "I...uh...I wished for..."

She noticed a light fog rolling onto the roof where they stood. Helga looked up but there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Lila looked around and frowned.

"This isn't normal fog..." she muttered under her breath.

Seconds later, a figure appeared in the girls' lines of sight. It was another girl, a blonde in a pink dress similar to Helga. In her right hand she held an egg-shaped object.

"'s really did make a wish..." remarked the girl.

Helga pointed to herself in confusion. "Who? Me?"

The girl shook her head, but not in response to Helga's question. "So I was too late. How could you? Making such a careless could you be so STUPID?"

"Hey! Who are you calling stupid?!"

Helga took a step forward, and that's when the blonde girl used her egg-shaped device to transform. Suddenly, she was wearing a very poofy, very frilly pink dress, reminiscent of Little Bo Peep. She gripped the newly-materialized staff in her hand and glared at Helga.

"I'm sorry I have to do this," said the girl, and she charged towards Helga at lightning speed. Before Helga had a chance to react, she was on top of her, ready to bludgeon her with her weapon...

Lila intercepted the assault, blocking the girl's attack with her own weapon, a scythe. She then kicked the girl so that she was several yards away, and stood in front of Helga to shield her.

"Why are you protecting her? Don't you know what will happen because of her wish?" She waved her hand and several rams materialized out of nowhere, all of them charging toward their target. At first Lila just sliced through the animals with her scythe, but the girl's onslaught seemed neverending. At last, she began to twirl her scythe in such a way to create a powerful wind tunnel, and the girl was blasted away, halfway across the city, by the force.

Lila turned to Helga, who was on the ground, in shock. "Lila...who was that?"

Lila shook her head. "No clue."

"Well, whoever it was, she really had it out for me. I think I should go home..."

"NO!" Lila blocked her path, startling Helga. "For all we know, she could have been spying on you before making herself known. She probably knows where you live? Do you want her to strike again while you're sleeping?!"

Helga sobered to the thought. "I guess not..."

"Until we can sort this thing out, I think it's best if you stay with me. Where I promise you'll be safe."

Helga nodded and the two of them exited the roof.

Helga Makes A Contract With Kyubey | Hey Arnold x Madoka Magica Crossover FanficWhere stories live. Discover now