Chapter 1

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"I wish I could make Arnold love me."

Helga awoke from a waking dream. She opened her eyes,  and found herself standing on the roof of a building. The pink dress she had been wearing had vanished; her body was now wrapped completely in pink ribbon. In her right hand she held a heart-shaped bow and arrow.

A small white creature had approached her. It had a bushy white tail and long ears coming out of its ears, and a perma-grin affixed to its face.

Done! Your wish is granted and your contract is now fulfilled! Go forth and fulfill your purpose!

Helga raised the bow and held it taut, aiming at the neighbouring building, which happened to be Sunset Arms. She pointed directly at Arnold's window. She could see him milling about within his room. Sweat began to form on her brown and her aim became shaky; at the last moment she let out a frustrating cry and pointed the arrow randomly in the air, letting it sail true to whatever its target may be.

Helga knelt to the ground and stared at her hands. She could feel tears brimming in her eyes.

"What have I done?"

The next day, Helga sat alone in the cafeteria. She denied sitting with the other girls (Phoebe had already insisted that Gerald sit next to her), and relegated herself to sit at a table in the corner of the cafeteria.

As she sat and stared at her food, Lila approached her table. "Hello, Helga – do you mind if I sit down?"

Helga was brought back to the present. "Huh? Oh. Sure. It's a free country."

Lila sat down in the seat across from Helga. For a while neither girl touched their food, merely opting to sit in silence. Finally, Helga glared at the redhead, annoyed. "What? Is Miss Perfect going to judge me on my choice of lunch op—"

"Listen, Helga..." said Lila, interrupting. She looked down at her lap. "I understand what you're going through."

Helga's eyes narrowed. "You have no idea what I'm going through."

Lila raised her hand to her face. Helga gasped; affixed to Lila's hand was a small silver ring, the same ring attached to Helga after she had made the wish the other night.

Without warning, Lila reached for Helga's hands. "I can help you, Helga. Let me know when you're ready."

Before Helga could respond, Lila stood and left the table. Helga was left dumbstruck. She stared at her hand then at the redhead as she exited the cafeteria. Her eyes wandered briefly to Arnold, who looked as though he was approaching her table to sit...

Helga abruptly stood up, leaving her tray, and left the cafeteria to chase after Lila.

Helga Makes A Contract With Kyubey | Hey Arnold x Madoka Magica Crossover FanficWhere stories live. Discover now