Chapter 16

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It was just a normal day after the week of exams, Jungkook, Kyo and Soojin were in the park, viewing the cherry blossoms.

"Waaah... Our school is seriously so kind. Giving us a few days of vacation." Jungkook said as he sat down on the picnic blanket.

"Yeah. We're lucky we got into this school." Kyo said as he chuckled.

"What do you guys want to do now? Talk about life and all?" Soojin asked as he handed Kyo and Jungkook a bottle of juice.

"Sure. Let's talk about our past lives. Starting from..... Kyo hyung." Jungkook said as he opened the bottle.

"Ok fine fine... I was born and raised in Japan until I was in 1st year of highschool. That was when I came here to Korea and started studying in our school. Since I had working parents, they were both very busy and we rarely had times were we 3 would have a meal together and talk normally like a family. Due to their work, they couldn't give me much attention and that was when I felt lonely. Due to my lonliness, one thing led to another and so on." Kyo said as he took a sip of his juice before continuing.

"And that was when you became a bully?" Soojin asked as he looked at Kyo.

"Yeah. I wanted to get my parents' attention at least for once so I decided to become a bully. I though maybe if the principal of our school or a random person told my parents that I was bullying someone, then maybe they would finally notice me and not focus on their work only. And as you know I started bullying people, pick pocketing and all. That continued for a while until I met Soojin. You both already know how we met and all so I won't explain it. After that, Soojin talked to my parents and actually drilled in some sense to their brains. I was also shocked. I didn't know someone as small as her had that much confidence." Kyo said while smiling as he recalled the memory.

"YOLO!" Soojin said as she maid a peace sign

"And well yeah. That's pretty much my past because after that I've been with Jungkook always and nothing much happened." Kyo said while looking at the duo.

"It's true that we were friends for a long time already, but I still don't know much about you to be honest." Jungkook said.

"Same here." Soojin said as she raised her hand.

"Well ask me anything you want to know about me." Kyo said

"Have you ever had a girlfriend? Or have you been single since birth?" Soojin asked as she narrowed her eyes.

"Ohhhh.. Nice question." Jungkook said as he offered Soojin a brofist.

"Well....Honestly speaking, yes. I've never had a girlfriend. But I remember making a promise to a classmate of mine back in Japan. I promised her that she would become my first and last girlfriend and that I would marry her and all." Kyo said

"What's her name?" Jungkook asked while looking at Kyo.

"I don't remember. But I'm pretty sure her name starts with an S. I've never met her ever since elementary because she transferred schools and after a few years I came here to Korea." Kyo replied.

"Oh. Sad.... But I mean, if you two were truly meant for each other wouldn't you meet again? Somehow, somewhere." Soojin suggested.

"True. Well I hope that day is near. I hope the day I do meet her again is like out of an anime or something. Like the girl accidentally bumps on the guy or something like that." Kyo said as he chuckled.

As if on cue, a girl with brown hair accidentally fell on Kyo, but luckily, Kyo caught her.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry." The girl who was holding a ball said as she hid her face. But she spoke in Japanese.

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