Chapter 7

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Jungkook walked the snow covered streets of Seoul alone with his head down as he felt kind of sad.Not knowing where to go, he finally decided to visit Soojin in the hospital, but before that he had to visit a flower shop. Since Soojin was still at the hospital for final check ups, he had to bring her a get well soon gift, that being flowers.

"Welcome sir. What type of flowers would you like?" A shy looking girl said as Jungkook made his way in the flower shop.

Jungkook finally raised his head and to his shock, he knew the girl.

"Sana noona? You work here?" Jungkook said as he made his way towards the said female.

"Oh. Yeah. This is my part time job." Sana said as her voice got quieter by each word she said.

Sana, the very shy childhood friend of Jungkook, was the most popular introvert in the school. She was beautiful, yes. But people always made fun of her for being a very shy person who doesn't talk to other people.

"Well could you give me a baby's breath bouquet? She loves those flowers for some reason." Jungkook said as he smiled remembering Soojin.

Sana took time to arrange the flowers in a bouquet as she knew, the girl he'd give those flowers to was special just by the look on Jungkook's face.

"Do you know the meaning behind these petite flowers?" Sana asked as she put a ribbon on the bouquet. Jungkook shook his head and Sana continued speaking. "Everlasting and undying love. Freedom and pureness."

'Then maybe that's the reason she likes these so much." Jungkook said as he took the bouquet from Sana and handing her the payment. "Thanks noona. I'll come by here sometime again."

Jungkook smelled the flowers as he made his way to the hospital. Not long after, he finally arrived and went inside Soojin's ward.

"Noona." Jungkook whispered softly as he was afraid she was asleep, but to his luck she wasn't.

At the sound of Jungkook's voice, Soojin immediately closed the book she was reading and looked towards Jungkook.

"Jungkook-ah. Why did you leave so early yesterday? You could've waited for me to wake up at least." Soojin said as she pouted cutely at Jungkook.

Jungkook who found her cute started giggling. "Are you really my noona or are you secretly younger than me?" Jungkook said as he patted Soojin's head while taking a seat on her bed.

"Here. For you." Jungkook said as he handed Soojin the flowers. Anticipating her reaction, Jungkook looked at Soojin's face and finally remembered why he came here in the first place. To apologize and to tell her the truth.

"Thank you." Soojin said in a rather warm way. She was starting to change and everyone noticed it. But she still didn't smile, no one knew why.

"Actually noona. I came here to apologize. I'm seriously so sorry, for letting you go through the pain." Jungkook said as he took Soojin's hand in his. "And second of all. I think I need to give you up. There's someone out there who deserves you more than I do. And he will surely make you happy, I know." Jungkook said as he gave Soojin a painful smile.

Soojin who was shocked at what Jungkook said, stared at him with her mouth agape. So many thoughts went through her mind on why Jungkook would give her up so easily.

"Don't. Don't give her up." A familiar voice broke through the silence.

Soojin and Jungkook looked towards the owner of the voice and it was no other than Kyo.

"Hyung." Jungkook whispered as he stood up to face the said guy. "But you like Soojin noona. I can't see you hurt and sad just because of me. It's fine for me if Soojin noona will be yours. Because you deserve her." Jungkook exclaimed while looking at Kyo, a tear threatening to fall from his eye as truthfully, it would hurt if he gave Soojin to Kyo and he can never imagine a life without Soojin beside him.

"Soojin-ah. I think it's your turn to explain this now. You're the only one who can do this." Kyo said as he leaned against the wall, and looked at Soojin.

Jungkook looked at Soojin, trying to find answers on her face and she finally looked at Jungkook.

"You see Jungkook, I knew about Kyo liking me. And it's nothing new. And we talked about it earlier, before you came here." Soojin explained calmly while looking at Jungkook's eyes. She took a deep breath before saying the next sentence. "I asked him if he could let me go when the time where I finally want to be with someone comes, and he said yes. Well.... I like you Jungkook."

At those 4 words being said, Jungkook immediately went to cloud 9. His crush of 2 years finally admitted that she liked him as well. But this wasn't the end. He still had the promise to fulfill.

"I don't know when exactly I started liking you, but I just know that I do. So yeah. That makes your mission easier right?" Soojin said with a never changing expression.

Jungkook was still speechless and he finally remained his composure after a few seconds. "Yeah. It does." Jungkook nodded as he looked away, shy from Soojin's confession. "But hyung. Is it really alright if I take Soojin away from you?" Jungkook asked, just to be sure.

"Yes, it's fine. I promise. Ah and I still didn't tell you the deadline didn't I?" Kyo replied while looking at Jungkook. Jungkook, (jung)shook his head as an answer. "Well, the deadline is on graduation. Until the ceremony ends. Once it ends, the deadline is met." Kyo said as he stood up properly.

"Ok. I'll make her smile by then. You'll see." Jungkook said, determined.

You already did.

"I'll leave you two for a moment, I'll just go visit Soojin noona's parents. I want to go greet them since they were so kind to me last time. I'll come back in a few minutes okay noona?" Jungkook said as he excitedly made his way out of the ward.

Once Jungkook was out, Kyo took a seat in front of Soojin.

"Do you really not want me to tell him?" Kyo asked while looking at Soojin

"Not just yet Kyo. It's fun to tease him." Soojin said as she smiled sincerely, while opening a book.

"I wonder how long can you keep your poker face in front of him." Kyo said as he chuckled

"It's hard but it's worth it. I want to see him try harder than he is doing right now. Because there's still some left." Soojin said, her smile slowly fading away.

"He still doesn't know the actual reason, does he?" Kyo said while looking towards the window.

"No. He doesn't." Soojin said as she looked at the baby's breath bouquet Jungkook gave her. While she looked at it, tears started falling.

Jungkook who was currently talking happily with Soojin's parents, didn't know what was happening.

Baby's breath also holds the meaning of reconnecting with lost loves

That's it for this chapter. I'll update again later after resting for a while. I hoped you liked it by far and please do vote and comment. It means a lot to me. Anyways, thank you for all the love you've been showering this book.


OPERATION: SMILE  | JJKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora