Chapter 11

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It was the day of the trip, and buses were outside the school campus, waiting for the students.Students and teachers hustled all over the campus as they all were excited.

"Soojin-ah. Why do you look so worried?" Taehyung asked as he touched the said female's shoulder

"Kyo is not yet here. Do you think he'll come?" Soojin asked worriedly while biting her nails

"Why don't you give him a call? Ask him if he's coming or not." Taehyung suggested with a warm smile gracing his lips

"I'll call him. I need to ask him something too after all." Jungkook said while taking out his phone.

"Put it in speaker mode." Soojin said, who was now nibbling on her lower lip.

It kept on ringing for a while until Kyo finally picked up.

"Hello?" Kyo's familiar voice rang out of the phone's speaker.

"Hyung. Are you coming with us to the trip?" Jungkook asked

"Ah sorry, I'm not coming. You guys have fun and just take lots of pictures and send it to me." Kyo replied

"Oh okay.... We'll buy you souvenirs too okay?" Soojin said

"Mhmmm.." Kyo chorused. "Well then, I need to go now. I have an errand to run."

"Okay. Bye!" Jungkook said while ending the call.

"Kids! Enter the bus. We'll miss the plane to Jeju if we're late." One of the teachers called out to the students who were still in the campus.

Being in the same grade, the trio entered the same bus, hoping to sit beside each other. But Jungkook and Soojin's mood worsened after seeing the person who they were going to sit beside with as the only seats left were the ones in the back.

"Why is that person here?" Jungkook whispered to Taehyung who was looking at the person he was talking about.

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders while walking slowly towards the seats. The trio looked at each other thinking about who was going to sit beside the person and Taehyung volunteered himself.

"Thanks hyung. For taking the initiative to sit beside that thing." Jungkook told Taehyung.

"Who are you calling 'that thing'? Do you think you're the only one who hates sitting here?" The person, Jimin, scoffed as he rolled his eyes.

Jungkook imitated him in a mocking way then proceeded to glare at Jimin while Jimin did the same.

To end the dispute between the two boys, Soojin cleared her throat to catch Jungkook's attention and it worked.

"Stop. Don't stoop down to that guy's level." Soojin whispered so Jimin wouldn't be able to hear her.

"Fine fine." Jungkook said while pouting.

"I'm sleepy let me use you as a pillow just wake me up if you'll eat because I also want to eat." Soojin said while fixing her position so she could sleep comfortably on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Roger, captain." Jungkook said while saluting.

After Soojin slept, they all travelled in silence as everyone was still sleepy and they decided to take a nap.

"Noona. Noona. I'm going to have some snacks. Do you want to eat too?" Jungkook said while shaking Soojin slightly.

Soojin fluttered her eyes open and nodded her head while still leaning towards Jungkook.

As Jungkook took out a choco pie from his bag, he noticed that Soojin looked uneasy and anxious.

"Soojin-ah what's wrong? Why do you look so anxious?" Jungkook asked while handing the said female a choco pie.

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