Chapter 3

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Soojin decided to go back to school. Though she was nervous, she needed to fulfill her promise with Jungkook.


"Soojin noona. You don't come to school nowadays do you?" Jungkook asked while taking a sip of his hot chocolate

"Yeah. Why?" Soojin asked while looking at Jungkook's eyes

"Well...Since we made a deal and all, I thought it would be fair enough if you come to school so I can get to know you more or something."

"So, you're telling me to go to school? Is that what you mean?"

"Exactly. Instead of requesting, let's make it into a promise. You promise me you go to school everyday, I promise to make you smile and let you get over your depression. Is that good enough?" Jungkook said while searching Soojin's eyes for an answer.

Soojin's eyes grew larger because of what Jungkook said. She was blushing, but it was a very faint shade, so no one noticed.

"O-ok....I..promise." Soojin said while holding up her pinky finger


Jungkook thought as he took Soojin's pinky finger into his.


She needed to do it for Jungkook. Not because she liked him, but because she needed to be fair and she never broke promises, except for one.

As she finished getting ready, she went down to the dining room to eat breakfast.

"You're going to school today?" Her mom asked as she was shocked to see her daughter coming down the stairs.

Soojin's brother, Seokjin turned his head to see his baby sister and also got shocked.

"Yeah...." Soojin said while sitting down in front of her brother. Seokjin just kept on staring at her until Soojin frowned at him.

"What's with the change of mind Soojin-ah? Is there anything important in school going on or what?" Seokjin asked while taking a bite of his toast.

"Nothing like that...It's just..a promise..." Soojin said faintly while applying jam to her toast.

"Promise?" Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows while looking at his sister. Soojin just nodded in response.

"Well then, you two hurry up as you both will be late. Seokjin drop your sister off as we'll be going to work now. Take care you two, we'll be coming home a bit late today so just reheat the food in the fridge okay?" Their mom said as she kissed both of them on the forehead

"Bye mom! Bye dad! Take care." Seokjin said while waving them goodbye.

After their parents left, the siblings just continued eating with no words exchanged.


After they finished eating, Seokjin dropped Soojin off in her school. And in no time they already arrived in front of the gate.

"Are you sure you really want to go to school today? You can just come on another day, your leave can be extended." Seokjin said worriedly while looking at his sister sweat nervously.

"I-it's fine. I'll go now. Bye...." Soojin said as she took a deep breath and stepped out of the car.

Seokjin just nods. "And...thank you." Soojin said while she looked at her brother for the last time and left.

Seokjin just sat there with his eyes wide open as it was the first time Soojin actually told him thank you.

As Soojin made her way to the school, students gave her glances.

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