Chapter 9: Break downs

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Trigger warning I guess

/Anxiety's p.o.v./

I left Prince's room and walked into my own flipping the light switch on.

Almost immediately it flipped off again and I jumped at the sight of someone standing there that I hadn't seen yet.

"You were with Princey again." Depression sneered and even in the dark I could see his angered face lit by the dim amount of light coming from the adjoining bathroom that I had purposely left on.

I knew I couldn't lie that time, I mean he saw us together. "Yeah... for a bit."

"Mhm..." he nodded his head like he didn't believe me at all. "Do I not make my threats clear enough? Often enough? Bad enough? Should I make them worse Virgil?" My real name rolled off his tongue with disgust. "I could always push you aside and go pay Princey a visit instead. Do you want me to do that?"

"No! Oh god please no! Do whatever you want to me, but don't hurt him." I pleaded.

He placed a hand on my shoulder making me fill with a feeling of dread again. "Why do you insist on defying me? Everything would be easier if you just give up."

"I-I care about him... please." I tried to hold back the tears.

"But he doesn't care about you, not in a way that could ever be functional." His tone was aggressive, and grew angrier as he spoke. "He may say and act like he cares, but eventually he'll see the truth and will leave! They always do. He doesn't understand you! None of them do. They don't understand us! NO ONE EVER UNDERSTANDS!!!" He was spastic now still seeming angry, but tears had started rolling down his face.

I felt them finally on mine as well. "Depression..."

His head was hung low and his shoulders suddenly started to shake. He was laughing it was soft, but manic. "hahahahhaHAHAHAHAHA!" He suddenly grew louder throwing his head back. His eyes were even more crazed than usual. "That's right no one understands.... But I don't care. Not anymore. I don't care I don't even want them to understand. I want to be alone now. I WANT TO BE THE ONLY ONE! In complete control! It'll be easy for me... I want everyone to be just as direly MISERABLE as me!" He shoved me back against the wall. "And I'll start with you! I'll make you doubt everything and feel every bit of pain and loneliness possible until you give yourself up."

I felt my body start shaking as pure fear and sadness took me over. "Please.... stop."

He then let me go and without another word disappeared back into the darkness.

I grabbed my heart lightly and slowly backed against the wall feeling myself slide down it. I wrapped my arms around my knees pulling them close as They shook.

He'd done something to me again. I knew it. Because I couldn't get the thoughts out of my head.

You're nothing like the others. All you do is cause pain.

"I know..." I whispered quietly.

No matter what you do all you cause is destruction.

"I'm sorry..."

You can't do anything right! You never will!

"I know..."

Stop trying!
Give up already!
Just shut up stay out of it!

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