Chapter Two: Pain In Order To Protect

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/Anxiety's p.o.v./

I woke up a around noon in my room with the comforter pulled up around me. I was confused to say the least. As to how I got there, and as to how I'd actually fallen asleep. Then the memories of the previous night began to flood back to me.

Princey must have carried me back. I grabbed my chest, feeling my heartbeat speed up at the memory of being in Prince's arms, having his soothing voice sing softly in order to comfort me. My face heated up at the thought. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Well looks like sleeping beauty's finally up." A voice quickly made my strange feelings go away.

I sighed standing up and looking over to the figure. "You're still here?"

"Of course, did you really think I'd leave that easily? No way." He chuckled with his annoying smile. It was that kind of smile that you would always know someone was up to something when they wore it. "Princey seemed to be pretty comfortable with you last night."

Anxiety felt his blush come back but he glared anyway. "Your point?"

"Nothing." he shrugged hopping up onto the desk and kicking he's feet back and forth casually. "You tell me."

I rolled my eyes walking over to touch up my eye shadow. "Nothing really to tell."

"You don't seriously think he likes you do you?" He asked with an amused, almost mocking laugh.

"I never said that... but he said he doesn't hate me." I replied feeling a flutter in my stomach remembering Prince's kind words from last night.

"And you believe him?" He asked almost in disbelief. He then walked over to me grabbing my arm and roughly pinning me to the wall.

I widened my eyes, but tried to seem like I wasn't afraid. "Let me go Depression!"

"Oh wow~ you actually had the courage to say my name. Maybe he's a good influence on you." His sarcastic smile twisted into a glare. "Which means he'll be in the way."

I widened my eyes. "No! He's not! Don't do anything to him!" I tried to get away.

"Don't you dare try and tell me what to do!" Depression yelled at me. He slammed my back harder against the wall tightening his grip, using his force against me.

I winced in pain, feeling tears start to prickle at the corners of my eyes. He's so strong... even just him touching you makes you feel a sense of overwhelming dread...

"Awe poor little Anxiety. Keeps me secret from Thomas and all his little friends, takes all the pain I induce just so they don't have to. You're views make me sick." He spat. "They aren't even your friends when will you learn that? They all hate you and you're alone." He then laughed again dropping me to the ground. "But hey maybe I shouldn't be so hard on you. You'll come to your senses eventually. See you soon." He then shrunk back into the dark place of Thomas' mind from which he came from.

I sat on the floor trying to keep myself from shaking as I rubbed my sore arms. I took a few deep breaths refusing to let any more tears come.

Suddenly there was a knock at my door.

I stood up composing myself as best I could and went to answer it. Prince was standing there with a casual smile.

"Greetings Anxiety, I'm glad you're finally awake." He said casually.

"Hey..." I trailed off looked to the side. I'm still having after affects. Even though I know I shouldn't doubt that Princey's words last night were true... I can't help but feel like what depression said might be right...

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

I was slightly taken aback by him asking that. "Uh... I guess yeah."

"Good would you like some pasta?" He offered.

"What?" I was confused. Why is he acting so nice now?

"I'm making pasta, do you want any?" He repeated.

"Yeah... sure." I replied I stepped out of my room closing the door behind me.

"Hey..." he trailed off taking a close look at my face, particularly my eyes. A small frown formed on his face. "Are you okay?"

I looked away rubbing my eye figuring he saw a stray tear. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." He can't find out about Depression... none of them can... especially Thomas. He's just too dangerous.

"Alright." The smile, although smaller, returned to his face. "Come on." He turned to walk down the hall, and I followed.


I watched in a comfortable silence as Prince cooked our meal as I leaned against the fridge. Strangely enough I'd always found myself watching his facial expressions instead of actually focusing on how he was making it.

He used a spoon to stir the sauce and then taste tested it. "Hm..?" He pondered. He then stirred again. "Does this need more salt?" He asked sticking the spoon in my direction.

"Huh?" I was surprised by the sudden question.

"Is this salty enough?" He smiled.

"Oh um..." I closed my lips on the spoon he was holding out to me tasting the sauce. I let it settle in my mouth for a bit. "Mm.... no, it's perfect."

He smiled brighter at my response. "Great glad you like it." He turned off the stove. "You can sit down now it will be ready in a moment.

"Okay." Was all I could respond with as I sat down at the small table.


"Wow Princey, that was actually pretty good." I made it sound like I was surprised considering I was feeling more like myself again and wanted to tease him a bit.

He chuckled shaking his head at my returning attitude. "Could do without the sarcasm." He took my plate for me putting the dishes in the sink.

"I wanted to thank you." I said as I stood.

"Don't worry about it. I was cooking for myself anyway." He replied nonchalantly.

"Not for the food." I replied "Well yeah I guess for that to, but I meant... for last night... Thanks. You actually really helped..."

He turned around giving me a genuine smile before replying. "Anytime."

Hey guys, woo chapter two! So now you know the mysterious figure and the antagonist. Any opinions on him? Vote and comment,bye!

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