"No way in bloody hell I'll give you my money thief!" The painter angrily said.

The thief chuckled, "That wasn't a question painter..." he pointed the tip of the knife to the painter's neck. "That was an order! Gimme the money and I'll make your death painless."

A normal person would be scared as fuck if they are found in this situation like this, most of the time they'll already give the money to the thieves but this painter wasn't scared, he was the exact opposite.

He was angry.

He was getting salty....

And at exact moment, something inside of him snapped.

"I said... I WONT GIVE YOU MY FUCKING MONEY!!!" And with the shout, the three bandana thieves were suddenly hit by a burst of water, soaking them pretty hard.

"What the fuck?" The green thief cursed as he looked at himself, "Where in hell this water came form?!"

"Boss!" The red thief said. "The painter is gone!"

"What?!" The thieves looked around and saw that painter was gone, all they saw was a pug running off.

"... what the fuck just happened?" All the thieves thought at the same time.


The dog ran.

Ran so fast in his entire life.

Then he reached an ally, the dog looked left and right to see if any of the thieves followed him. Soon, he was able to calm down.

As he was calming down, the dog slowly transformed back to the painter! The only thing left was the dog ears and the tail.

'W-what was that...?' The painter thought to himself. When he yelled at the thieves, he didn't expect that he would shot them the water from the fountain! And to transformed dog! Much less a pug!

With a sighed of relief, he ran his fingers through his hair and felt the ears. 'HUH?!'

He looked at a puddle nearby and saw he still have the ears and the tail!

'Fuck! Why didn't the ears and the tail go away just like the rest?!"

Suddenly he heard laughter from above him.

He looked up to a hoodie man laughing at the edge of fire escapes.

"Dude did you see the reactions of the thieves?! They were like What the fuck when you hit them with water!" The painter heard the hoodie man said. "I was about to help you but man you destroyed them!"

Suddenly he felt his teeth sharpened. "Who are you?! A thief as well?!" He snarled.

The man just raised both of his hands. "Woah buddy! Don't get angry, I'm a friend."

"Likely story! Leave me alone weirdo!"

"Well ok," the man said as he stands up. "It's not like you want to know how did you do that and stuff." He slowly walked away.

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