Kagon dives into the pit without another thought, grabbing the edge of the dais with all the strength he has left in him. Kagon reaches out his other arm as far as possible and is just barely able to grasp Kip's outstretched hand.

Kagon can feel the natural effects of gravity amplified by Gahenna's lust for their flesh and blood. He can feel the Great goddess trying to pull them down deeper into her maw as to swallow them up. Kagon's grip begins to loosen, however his fingers still somehow painfully grip on to the edge of the dais. Sweat drips down his forehead, stinging his eyes.

Something from above touches his fingers, when Kagon looks up, he can see that it is Daqa trying to pry his fingers from the edge. Kagon has no choice but to let go. His stomach flops as gravity takes the hero into its hands. For a terrifying moment, even a single clear thought seems impossible to Kagon as he begins a free fall, one hand still grasping Kip's.

Kagon's fall halts with a jolt as something grabs his forearm. He once again looks up, but instead of Daqa, Kagon sees Qin. The Shadowlander's face screws up in exertion. Suddenly Iglesias' hands lock onto Kagon's arm and help haul him and Kip back onto the dais.

As soon as Kagon and Kip are safely on the stage, they scramble away from its edge and towards the middle where they lay on their backs breathing heavily.

"Are you both alright?" Delia questions, concern lacing her voice.

Kagon looks up to see his scribe standing with her dagger pressed closely to Daqa's jugular. The hero's heart can't help but swell with pride.

"We're fine." Kip answers, sitting up weakly.

"Good." Delia sighs.

Daqa suddenly snaps his head back, nailing Delia in the face with the back of his head. Her grip falters, allowing for the Priest to dodge her dagger and make a run for Kip. He tackles the boy and they both slide closer to the edge from the impact.

"Kip!" Delia yelps, running towards the two.

Daqa manages to wrestle Kip to the point where his head hangs over the chasm. Before Delia or anyone else can get to them, Kip kicks up his body, launching Daqa into the pit. The Head Priest of Gahenna never even had a chance to scream before being devoured by the very goddess he had served.

Relief is apparent on every rebel's face. The followers of Gahenna even stay silent, too shocked to speak.

The peace does not last, but ends in an unexpected way.

The ground rumbles violently under Kagon's feet, nearly tossing him to the ground. "What is going on!" He shouts over the uproar of panicked voices.

Kip's eyes close for a moment, before opening. "It's Gahenna!  With her low chances of getting me as her sacrifice now, her power is crumbling! It can no longer keep the  impossible city she built for her people from being washed away by the river T'ar! Everything around the city is about to be swept away and into Gahenna from the current of the river. We need to leave now!"

As a group; the rebels, Kip, Kagon, and Delia break from the horrified confusion and run. Still slightly dizzy from hitting his head, Kagon nearly stumbles only to be righted by Delia.

Their group dashes into and through the Temple at top speed. When they exit the main doors and out into the city, they are given a perfect view of the destruction.

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