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Hello! I have very important news to notify you guys about as the the title states. I will not be writing nor updating from today (March 1st) until April 13th for lent. I apologize for the inconvenience and the length of time, but there is a good explanation. I am participating in lent and am fasting from creative writing until April 13th. Please be understanding of my decision, I feel like this is the right choice for me.

I'm not sure if any of you know this, but I write almost every single day, may it be on Hero's Journey or one of my ideas that I plan to get serious about next. Because of that, I felt that I should give up something that I love and that is so natural to me for lent to allow me to do some serious reflecting without using it as a crutch.

However, I still will be active on Wattpad. So, if there is anything you want to contact me about feel free to comment here, private message me, or post on my board. Thank you all for understanding!


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