Chapter 86

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I know that I was on a roll with chapters before, so I'm sorry that this one took a bit longer. Alas, here it is! I hope you enjoy!



Delia and Kagon keep to the shadows of the long halls of the Temple. Whenever a man or woman of Gahenna passes by them, they dodge behind one of the columns lining the hall.

During one these times, Delia stops Kagon from leaving their hiding spot even when the person has passed them.

"What is it, writer?" Kagon asks quietly.

"Where exactly are we going?" Delia asks.

Kagon only shrugs. "Wherever my instincts take me."

Delia sighs, rolling her eyes in annoyance. "You can't just expect the Fates to lead you the right way, Kagon of Pik!"

The hero looks at her dubiously. "Why would you think that I would ever put my faith into the Fates? No, the only faith that I'm putting into anything is myself. That is why we are following my instincts."

"Sticks and stones you're daft. You don't get the point, do you? The point is that you shouldn't be randomly following the halls in hope for everything to work out perfectly. I was stuck in my village most of my life and even I know that."

"So, what do you propose then, shrew?" Kagon shoots back with an proud smile.

Delia ignores the insult and bites her cheek thoughtfully. "How about we mug the next priest and priestess we see. We can take their clothes so at the very least we blend in. We might be able to even get some information out of them as to where to go." She says.

"Fine, I guess that will work..." Kagon trails, seeming put off that Delia has a plan better than his.

Kagon of Pik, biggest baby of all the lands. Delia can't help but think.


The sun is a fiery haze beneath the thin veil of clouds. The air is neither warm nor cool, but somewhere in-between. However, this does not stop the hairs from rising on Kipdale's arms and the feeling of ice trailing up his spine.

In front of Kip is a path leading to a tall dais made from sleek, dark wood. This is where Daqa stands solemnly facing the followers of the Temple that surround. There is a tugging feeling in Kip's stomach, directing him to the fact that Gahenna runs directly behind the dais. Fear crawls up Kip's throat as he realizes that this means that the dais is on the precipice of the chasm.

He can imagine Daqa stepping backwards, only to trip and fall into the oblivion of the pit. Kip shakes his head, banishing such dark thoughts.

I will not allow my mind to fall to darkness even if my body will be sacrificed to it.

Kipdale is suddenly jolted by the guards at either side of him, signaling that it is time. Kip is then guided from where he stands beneath the overhang of the temple and out into the sinking sunset. The two Shadowlander warriors at either side of him grip his arms tight enough to hurt, but not to bruise as they shuffle forward.

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