Chapter 80

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The Dogfish sets down anchor at a shoddy, makeshift dock.

It looks like they don't get a lot of visitors. Delia thinks dryly. I wonder why.

Kip, Delia, Kagon, and Maude all hide behind a stack of boxes on the main deck, knowing that they would be recognized by any Shadowlanders.

If the red-violet eye watching their every move in Kip's misty dreamland was real, then Delia is sure that she and Kagon would be recognized immediately. Even if it wasn't real, she and Kagon would probably be recognized because of their scuffle with the Shadowlanders in Lanthos. Kip and Maude would be recognized for obvious reasons, so that leaves Tavius to be the only one that can be seen.

As Delia moves to get a better look, her arm brushes against Kip's. At the movement, Kip looks up at Delia and smiles. The writer returns the smile, but finds her emotions whirling out of control as she does.

What is going on with me? I'm only just really beginning to heal from Kagon's rejection, so why is my friendship with Kip starting to turn into something else. Was there something there between us all along and I just didn't notice because of my infatuation with Kagon? Maybe I'm just overthinking all of this.

Delia shoves these thoughts aside the best she can. There is too much at stake to get distracted with such things.

Delia looks out to the dock from her better seeing position and is able to spot a group of Shadowlanders approaching The Dogfish.

Chills run up her spine as her eyes trace over their darkly clad tall, slender bodies, grayish colored skin, and shaved heads.

"Are you here with the newest shipment of sacrifices?" One of them with a bulbous nose asks.

"Aye. They are all in the brig." Tavius answers, descending down to the main deck in order to meet them.

"And where are the rest of the crew as well as Captain Baymont." The same Shadowlander inquires, suspicion lacing his voice.

"Many of the crew has died from a sickness tragically spread across my ship, including my captain. With his death, I took his place. Now, the remaining crew that are left are keeping watch of the cargo." Tavius lies smoothly.

"Ah, unfortunate." There is no empathy in the Shadowlander's tone, only monotone neutrality.

Tavius shrugs. "Losses are needed in order to make a profit. Now, if you will follow me you will see that we were able to pick up even more sacrifices than last time." The pirate boasts with a faux grin pulled taught across his lips. Tavius gestures to the door leading down to the brig and opens it wide. "After you."

"Just have your crew bring them up to us, that should be sufficient enough." The Shadowlander says in a bored tone.

"The Shadowlanders are ready to see the cargo!" Tavius shouts down the stairs, however his eyes zip towards Delia and the others' hiding place.

"They refused to go down the stairs so we can't lock them up." Delia realizes.

"He needs our help." Kagon quietly begins to unsheathed his golden sword.

Delia's stomach churns with both adrenaline and horror with the violence she knows is to come as she too takes out her dagger and the others their respective weapons.

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