Chapter 28

28 1 14

Delia winces at the sound of metal on flesh, blood is everywhere. She's unsure if it's mostly Shadowlander blood or her friends's blood. Either way she's sure that if this continues none of their group will be left.

From her peripheral vision she can see Rissa approach one of the Shadowlander's holding a whip. Delia can hear her words through the clashes of the mess around her.

"Where is my family?" Rissa asks.

The Shadowlander shakes his head, his voice low and solemn. "You should of known that we do not hold our deals with those that are not loyal to Gahenna. Either way your services have helped us greatly, so I will make this swift." Rissa's eyes widen and they are still wide when the whip wraps around her neck. With a simply tug her head is severed from her body.

Her blood and body are added to those of the many.

Delia stands frozen and that's when the Shadowlander that killed Rissa's attention turns to her. His eyes are dark pits of madness, his black robes the same as Darknae's. Delia feels numb as his long strides take him only feet away from her.

With a flick of his wrist the whip licks at Delia's cheek. The flash of quick, hot pain brings Delia back to surface.

Delia's grey eyes widen, much like Rissa's did except she won't allow herself to become another one of his victims.

She can feel her warm blood slide from her cheek. Despite her height, the Shadowlander towers over looking down on her not mockingly, but grim.

His dead eyes stare down at her. Shivers shoot up her body, giving her the want to run. Delia stands her ground, refusing to drop eye contact with the intimidating male.

"Delia of Pik, you are a liar."

The words hit her so hard that Delia physically stumbles backwards as if she had taken a blow.  The Shadowlander's eyes shine as he flicks his wrist.  The whip curls around Delia's wrist, biting into her skin.

The Shadowlander meets her eyes and this time Delia looks away.  The whip tightens and Delia winces in pain, but does not cry out. 

Another pull and I won't have a hand anymore....Alas she has nothing to use to get out of it.

The Shadowlander somehow captures her eyes again.  The darkness within them dance maliciously as his fingers tighten around the the handle of the whip.  Delia wants to close her eyes, but forces them to stay open.  She'll stare him down as he rips her hand from her body and kills her just like he did Rissa.

But it doesn't come to that.

Instead an arrogant idiot falls from the sky, his sword slicing the whip in two.

Delia doesn't even have time to bandage her aching, bleeding wrist when she recognizes just who that arrogant idiot is.

Kagon of Pik, Hero of the lands.

A mix of joy and dread fill her stomach as he turns to Delia, flashing her a bright charming grin.  "Writer Delia."  He greets.  "It's good to see you alive."

His sky blue eyes take her in, immediately Delia wishes to cover herself.  The days of her journey has reduced her to dirty rags, Kagon however never looked better.

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