Çhp. 8

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Right we are being chased again. And not just by one shadow but both of them. We were looking around the house for the necklaces when they popped up right in front of us. I don't really know my way around the because it changed to the house Y/n and Danielle lived in. I like this one better because its not as dark like it was for everyone else. It had light but it was dim. So it wasn't as creepy and I can see where I'm going. Oh yeah! Now that we found the head the ropes around Y/n and Danielle's necks are gone. Back to what we were doing. So we are being chased. Thy found us because Dinah ran into a wall again. So we are following Y/n around since she obviously knows her way around her house. "Watch out!" Wilma yelled with still a some how calm voice. We ducked as a vase flew at us. It hit the wall an smashed into pieces. We continued running and ducking at as things were still being thrown at us. "We need a distraction." Wilma said twirling around in a circle. "Follow me." Y/n said picking up speed. We ran faster and she quickly turn a corner. "In here quickly." Y/n said standing by an open door. We ran in and I quietly but quickly closed the door. "We need more help. I'm going to need to call Danielle and Steven." Y/n whispered. "But how is Steven going to help us." Dinah asked in a whispered. "He can't see but he can feel. That's why he knew where to look in the attic. He feels there presence. He can help us hold them off." Y/n explained to us.

"Danielle can run around and distract the other one with me. I'll put Jasmine in her crib." Wilma said. "I'll go get them. Stay quiet. I shouldn't take to long." Wilma said and disappeared. "I'll stay with you two when we go back out there. You two need to move quickly but quietly at the same time." Y/n said and we nodded. "So like a ninja?" I asked and she nodded. "I wish I had some ninja mask." Dinah said with a pout. Y/n smirked. "That could be arranged." Y/n said and some ninja masks fell out of the air into our hands. Y/n was also tying one around her head. "Wait a minute. Wait a minute." Dinah said catching our attentions. "You can teleport us clothes and lights but you don't have the power to kill those shadows with some kind of wizard shit?" Dinah asked her. "Yeah why is that?" I asked. She shrugged and turned upside down. "I don't know honestly. Its weird, huh? Well at least you can fight in style." She said. "Give me a gun. A knife. Something to protect me with." Dinah said. "I can't do that. But I can do this." She said and on our right hand a sparkly glove appeared like Michael Jackson's. "Michael Jackson ninjas." She said. "I have a question. Why don't you smile? You smirk but you don't smile." I asked curious.

"Because my heart doesn't smile." She said with an emotionless face. "Shit just got dark." Dinah whispered. "Well I'm going to make you smile. Even if I have to find you after this entire thing. I will do it." I told her. "Have fun with that." She said sarcastically. "Have fun." Dinah whispered in my ear causing me to push her face away. "Where is Wilma at? She said it want take long. Its been-" Y/n said and paused to spin like she was a clock. Weird. "Twenty minutes and I feel the shadows getting closer to us." Y/n said. As if on cue they appeared in front of us. Y/n fell to the ground and stood up. "About time. We done got all fancy and everything." Y/n said. "I want to be a ninja too." Danielle said. "Of course you can be a ninja." Y/n said and gave her a ninja mask. Oh and let's not forget the Michael Jackson glove. "I already explained everything to them. So let's go." Wilma said. She disappeared with Danielle. James went somewhere else. Now it was just Dinah, Y/n, and I. We quietly made our way out of the room we were in. We made sure to look around the hall we were in but came up with nothing. "Let's go to the living room." Y/n said. We followed her throw the halls. When we got into the living we started looking through the drawers and bookshelf.

"Look at this guys." Dinah said quietly but loud enough for us to hear. We made our way over to her. Dinah hade a piece of paper in her hand. "It looks another clue." She said before reading it. "When there's a flood and you are on lower ground. Move up on higher ground." She read out loud. We thought for a few minutes before I got it. "We are on the first floor. So we need to move higher to the next floor." I said. "But what does the water have to do with this?" Dinah asked. "Shhhh.…" Y/n shushed us. "Do you hear that?" She asked. We listened closely and the sound got louder. Then my feet got wet. "Its flooding. Go upstairs now!" I yelled. We started running g behind Y/n to the stairs. The water was quickly rising. We got to the stairs but Dinah fell over a metal pole. The water stared to pull her away. "Lauren!" She yelled. Before she got to far away I grabbed her hand. I pulled her up the stairs with me and sat her her on the ground. I patted her back as she coughed. She hugged me and thanked me. "Your welcome D. Do you think you be alright?" I asked her. "Yeah. I'm OK. Let's go." She said and got up. I got up and we followed Y/n to the first room. "This was my parents room." She said as we walked in. "Check the dressers and closet. They usually hide things there. Oh and under there bed." She told us. I checked in their dressers while Dinah looked in the closet. "I'll check under the bed." Y/n said. She sat on the bed and stuck her head through it.

"Nothing." She said and sat back up. "I found nothing too." Dinah said. I looked through the last drawer and didn't find anything either. "What about the bathroom?" I asked her. "They didn't have their own bathroom yet. They were going to get one built." Y/n said. "Well let's go to Danielle's room." She said. Went to her room and looked around. We looked under the bed in the closet everywhere but we didn't find anything. We checked other rooms upstairs but didn't find anything. Now all we have left is Y/n's. Also the water is still rising. Its now at the top of the stairs and coming upstairs. "We have to hurry before that water gets to us." Dinah said. We hurried into the room and looked in and under everything. I found a piece of paper under the dresser. "I found a paper guys! It says to looks in everything. Not just the closet and dressers." I read. "We are though. And nothing is coming up." Dinah whined. "Let's look some more. Make sure to look in everything." Y/n said. I sighed before going by the bed and looking in the stand beside it. I still didn't see anything. So I grabbed headboard of the bed and pulled it  off the wall. I couldn't get it to move further so I climbed behind the bed. I put my back against the wall and a foot on the bed. I started pushing it. When I got it to move I got on the ground and looked under the carpet. When I didn't see anything I started getting up. I put my hand on the wall to help me but my hand went through the wall. When I pulled my hand out I saw something shining. "Guys! Come help me!" I yelled out to them. "What happened." Dinah asked concerned. "Look"

A/n~ one more chapter to go and this story is over with. Let me know what you think and I will see you next chapter. Bye my Rockets and Rockettes🚀 ✌👻✌


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