Çhp. 4

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~Your POV~

"New owners, huh?" Ms. Johnson asked. "Let me guess. When Smith wakes up they are going to leave too." Ms. Johnson said taking a seat on one of the boxes. We are currently in the basement. It was no use in me staying upstairs when I couldn't hear nor talk back to them. "That's what I'm waiting on them to do. Especially home girl up there. No other brotha or sista has stayed in this house as long as she has." I shook my head and looked over at Danielle and Jasmine. Danielle was holding Jasmine trying to make her laugh. Its kinda weird to me. If you think about it Jasmine is older than Danielle. Maybe even an adult now. "Really? I would expect her to be out the door the minute she heard or saw something." She said laughing. I couldn't help but laugh a little too. "Right tho. As soon as I heard a something fall I will be gone. By the time I step outside I would've had a plane ticket and a new house or apartment. Then burn the house." I said serious and she laughed even more. "You think I'm playing, huh?" I asked her.

"No. I know you are serious." She said. "So what do you want to do Y/n?" She asked me and I shrugged. "Well I guess help them find the things we need." I said adding a sigh. "But that is if they are really willing to help us." I said before she could say anything else. "I think they will." She said. "How are you so sure?" I asked her. "I don't know. Just a feeling I have. I mean everyone usually leaves once they see you." She said. "Will they better be prepared to because this basemen is creepy when it changes." I said. "You need to go to them and discuss this with them." She told me and I shook my head. "I don't feel like it. Later." I said laying on the ground. "Now!" She demanded and gave me a stern look. Without eyes that look scares me a little so I got up. "Come on Danielle. We need to talk to the girls." I said as Wilma grabbed Jasmine.


"Y/n said that she will help y'all." Danielle told them and they started cheering. "But only if you are willing to help us." Danielle said and they stopped. "Of course we will help." Lauren said before anyone else could answer. "Question. Does anything creepy ever happen?" Camila asked and we shrugged. "We never got pasted Y/n before. Once they saw her they moved away." Danielle explained. "OK. So where do we look first?" Dinah asked. "I don't know." Danielle said. "How are you suppose to help us if you don't know where to look?" Normani asked. "That's the whole point of looking. If we knew where to look we would have already done that." I said rolling my eyes and Dinah saw. Danielle told them what I said before Dinah spoke up. "I wouldn't roll my eyes if I were you." She said and I just rolled them again. "Who do she think she is?" Dinah asked in annoyed. "What?" Ally asked. "She keeps rolling her at me." Dinah told her as I smirked. "Y/n that's not nice. Could you please apologize?" Ally asked me and I nodded. "I will apologize when I can talk for myself." I said rolling my eyes again just to annoy Dinah. "She said she will apologize when she can talk again." Danielle said and Dinah glared at me. I looked at her and smiled innocently. "I don't like her." Dinah mumbled.

"You do realize your only fourteen years old, right?" Dinah asked. "What year is it?" I told Danielle to ask for me. "2016." Camila answered. "So if I died at fourteen and its 2016 now. I would be...... twenty years old now." I said and Danielle told them what I said. "That doesn't- i- but-ugh!" Dinah groaned when she couldn't figure out what to say. "And i- but i- but- bye!" I said before leaving to go to my room.

A/n~ guys I'm sorry for taking forever but I'm busy. I've been helping my cousin with a lot of stuff. Then there I went to my little cousins birthday party. There's just a lot in this month. Plus I won't be able to update as much because I'm trying to get my GED. So I will try to update when I can. And this story I'm kinda stuck. But anyways Enjoy Rockets🚀 😎✌


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